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Photos: Good eats at Oakfield Labor Daze

By Howard B. Owens
food vendors oakfield labor daze
Shawn Woodward fries up a blooming onion.  Woodward said he thinks the first time he tried a blooming onion himself was as a child at the Elba Onion Festival.
Photo by Howard Owens.

The Oakfield Labor Daze Music and Food Festival has two main components. We've covered the weekend's music.  Here's a look at the other part of the festival -- all the good food being served up by about a dozen vendors.

Monday's Schedule:

  • 10 a.m.: Parade
  • 11 a.m.: Salvatore
  • 1 p.m.: Terry Buchwald (Elvis)
  • 4 p.m.: Songbirds (Fleetwood Mac)

And food vendors all day.

food vendors oakfield labor daze
Joel Hamm cooking in the Oakfield Betterment Committee food booth.
Photo by Howard Owens.
food vendors oakfield labor daze
Felix Elimihele from Kitchen Africana in the Greece Mall.
Photo by Howard Owens.
food vendors oakfield labor daze
Photo by Howard Owens.
food vendors oakfield labor daze
Photo by Howard Owens.

Photos: Vendors offer a variety of goods at Labor Daze in Oakfield

By Howard B. Owens
labor daze vendors
Joe Spath
Photo by Howard Owens

Like any serious collector of vinyl records, Cheektowaga resident Joe Spath comes across many decades old records with little to no value—copies of the soundtrack to “South Pacific,” for example, or any Mitch Miller LP. Ditto Burl Ives. To say these records are a dime a dozen is to overstate their value.

That's why Spath grabs those records from the pile when he finds them to turn them into wall art.

Using computer-guided cutting tools, Spath turns the vinyl records into tributes to legendary artists, such as Chuck Berry, Paul McCartney, Elton John, ABBA, the Bee Gees, and so on.

He carves an artist's image or logo into the record and prints out a faux record label he downloads from the Web to cover over the original less desirable label.

Spath is one of the vendors this weekend at the Oakfield Labor Daze Music & Food Festival.

He started cutting records about 12 years ago. 

"I've been doing this because it makes people happy," the Navy veteran said Sunday.

A former DJ, Spath said he has cataloged in his collection of "keepers" 8,000 LPs, 2,000 45s, 1,500 CDs, and even a lot of cassettes.

The collection spans the 1940s to the 2000s and pretty much every genre of music.

"Variety is the spice of life," he said.

There are close to three dozen vendors at the festival this weekend.

labor daze vendors
Five-year-old Lukas Kastelic was quite pleased with the tie-dyed Buffalo Bills T-shirt his parents were buying him.
Photo by Howard Owens
labor daze vendors
Photo by Howard Owens
labor daze vendors
Photo by Howard Owens
labor daze vendors
Photo by Howard Owens
labor daze vendors
Photo by Howard Owens

Photos: Nerds Gone Wild at Oakfield Labor Daze

By Howard B. Owens

Sunday night's headliner, Nerds Gone Wild -- perhaps Western New York's most popular cover band -- thrilled all their fans who turned out in Triangle Park for their headlining performance on the second day of the Oakfield Labor Daze Music & Food Festival.

While waiting for the band make its grand entrance, one woman from Arizona approached a reporter and praised the festival. She couldn't believe all the music was free. And she loved all the food options. She said she extended her vacation an extra week just to see Nerds in Oakfield.

Photos by Howard Owens.


Photos: The Eaglez at Oakfield Labor Daze

By Howard B. Owens
the eaglez labor daze

The Eaglez, an Eagles tribute band, performed Sunday afternoon at the Oakfield Labor Daze Music and Food Festival.

The band's set was cut about 20 minutes short by a torrential downpour.

Photos by Howard Owens.

the eaglez labor daze
the eaglez labor daze
the eaglez labor daze
the eaglez labor daze
the eaglez labor daze

Making a difference: UConnectCare aide Linda Ackley can relate to those struggling because she’s been there

By Press Release
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Press Release:

As someone in recovery for more than four decades, Linda Ackley knows what those struggling with substance use are going through.

Now in her 22nd year at UConnectCare (formerly Genesee/Orleans Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse), Ackley is a Credentialed Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Counselor currently is serving as a “tech.”

A dedicated employee, her experience and compassion have made a difference in the lives of her clients at the agency’s Atwater Community Residence and Detox Center.

It was in her mid-20s when Ackley came to grips with her excessive drinking and -- leaning on what she calls “her higher power” -- found the strength to put those days behind her.

“I went back to school and got my diploma (she had dropped out after becoming pregnant at the age of 16),” she said. “Then, I went to Genesee Community College and got my associate’s degree in social work, and from there I went to Brockport and got my bachelor’s degree in mental health/social work.”

Since then, she obtained her master’s degree and has worked tirelessly to counsel and mentor people seeking to break free from the grip of substance use.

“When you’re trying to relate to young people who are in the program, it makes a big difference if you can tell them that you’ve been there; that you know what the heck they’re going through,” she said. “If they find out that your book smart, they’re going to give you a hard time. They’ll say, ‘You don’t know how I feel.’ Yeah, you do know how they feel when you’ve been there.”

Ackley’s work ethic has transferred to her daughter, Carrie Anne, who also works at UConnectCare. She also has a son, John, who lives in Genesee County. Her other son, Francis, died in 2001.

When not at work, Ackley and her longtime partner, John, rescue animals – primarily cats.

“We've been saving the animals for years,” she said. “That’s my big thing now. I’ve got 12 of my own after I fixed them and got them all sets, and four kittens that I’m fostering right now.”

Ackley said she is proud of her granddaughter, Julietta, who is enrolled at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs in pursuit of a PhD.

“I raised her, although not my blood, right along with my other grandchildren (after Francis died),” she said. “I’ve had her for 20 years and she’s doing great.”

Linda Ackley
Submitted photo.

Ackley suffered a severe injury to her right arm years ago while working at Genesee County ARC (resulting in replacement of the bone from the shoulder to the elbow), but that hasn’t slowed her down. She also underwent heart surgery earlier this year.

“They put a watchman into my left valve,” she said, adding that she returned to her job several weeks later.

As far as working at UConnectCare is concerned, Ackley said “this place is just like family.”

“It’s a great place to work,” she added. “We all work together and do our best for our clients.”

She said she encourages those in recovery – young people who have come through UConnectCare – to pursue a career in substance use or mental health counseling.

“We had two people here that were in the program that I encouraged to get into recovery, and after that come back here to work,” she said. “Guess what? They’re back here working.”

The path to recovery begins with U. At UConnectCare, we want you to work with us. For more information on employment opportunities, go to

USDA launches new debt consolidation tool to help farmers manage operating debt

By Press Release

Press Release:

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is announcing the launch of the Debt Consolidation Tool, an innovative online tool available through that allows agricultural producers to enter their farm operating debt and evaluate the potential savings that might be provided by obtaining a debt consolidation loan with USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) or a local lender.

“Providing producers with options to structure their debt in a manner that affords them every opportunity to meet the goals of their agricultural operation is the best way to ensure the nation’s farmers and ranchers build financial equity and resilience,” said FSA Administrator Zach Ducheneaux.  

A debt consolidation loan is a new loan used to pay off other existing operating loans or lines of credit that might have unreasonable rates and terms. By combining multiple eligible debts into a single, larger loan, borrowers may obtain more favorable payment terms such as a lower interest rate or lower payments. Consolidating debt may also provide farmers and ranchers additional cash flow flexibilities.  

The Debt Consolidation Tool is a significant addition to FSA’s suite of improvements designed to modernize its Farm Loan Programs. The tool enhances customer service and increases opportunities for farmers and ranchers to achieve financial viability by helping them identify potential savings that could be reinvested in their farming and ranching operation, retirement accounts, or college savings accounts.  

Producers can access the Debt Consolidation Tool by visiting The tool is built to run on modern browsers including Chrome, Edge, Firefox, or the Safari browser. Producers do not need to create a account or access the authenticated customer portal to use the tool. 

Photos: Friday at Wings Over Batavia

By Staff Writer
wings over batavia
A drone formation spells out Wings Over Batavia during the air show on Saturday.
Photo by Jim Burns
wings over batavia
Photos by Jim Burns
wings over batavia
Photos by Jim Burns
wings over batavia
Photos by Jim Burns
wings over batavia
Photos by Jim Burns
wings over batavia
Photos by Jim Burns
wings over batavia
Photos by Jim Burns
wings over batavia
Photos by Jim Burns
wings over batavia
Photos by Jim Burns
wings over batavia
Photos by Jim Burns
wings over batavia
Photos by Jim Burns

Photos: Mayday Buffalo and Dave Viterna Group at Oakfield Labor Daze

By Howard B. Owens
labor daze mayday buffalo dave viterna group

On Saturday at Labor Daze in Triangle Park in Oakfield, Mayday Buffalo was the afternoon band, and Dave Viterna Group was the headliner for the night.

The rest of this weekend's lineup:

On Sunday:

  • 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.: Russ Peters Group
  • 12:30 to 3:30 p.m., Eaglez tribute to The Eagles
  • 3:30 to 6:30 p.m.: Hazzard County
  • 6:30 to 9:30 p.m.: Nerds Gone Wild

On Monday:

  • 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.: Salvatore
  • 1 to 4 p.m.: Terry Buchwald tribute to Elvis
  • 4 to 7 p.m.: Songbirds tribute to Fleetwood Mac

The Labor Daze Parade is at 10 a.m. on Monday

Photos by Howard Owens

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labor daze mayday buffalo dave viterna group
labor daze mayday buffalo dave viterna group
labor daze mayday buffalo dave viterna group
labor daze mayday buffalo dave viterna group
labor daze mayday buffalo dave viterna group
labor daze mayday buffalo dave viterna group
labor daze mayday buffalo dave viterna group
labor daze mayday buffalo dave viterna group
labor daze mayday buffalo dave viterna group
labor daze mayday buffalo dave viterna group

Photos: Genesee Ted opens up Labor Daze in Oakfield

By Howard B. Owens
genesee ted oakfield labor daze

Genesee Ted kicked off three days of live music in Oakfield for the Labor Daze Music & Food Festival.

Also on Saturday, Mayday from 4 to  7 p.m. and Dave Viterna Group from 7 to 10 p.m.

On Sunday:

  • 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.: Russ Peters Group
  • 12:30 to 3:30 p.m., Eaglez tribute to The Eagles
  • 3:30 to 6:30 p.m.: Hazzard Country
  • 6:30 to 9:30 p.m.: Nerds Gone Wild

On Monday:

  • 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.: Salvatore
  • 1 to 4 p.m.: Terry Buchwald tribute to Elvis
  • 4 to 7 p.m.: Songbirds tribute to Fleetwood Mac

The Labor Daze Parade is at 10 a.m. on Monday

Photos by Howard Owens


Sponsored Post: Place your bids! The 2024 Gas & Steam Show Auction will take place online at

By Sponsored Post
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The 2024 Gas & Steam Show Auction will take place online at  Bidders can place their bids anytime from September 3rd through the 5th. There are over one thousand lots, including vehicles, machinery, farm implements, vintage advertising, ag-related collectibles, tools, and many more items.  A live preview will take place Thursday, September 5th from 1 - 4 pm at 9921 Hickox Road, Alexander, NY, just 2 miles from the Steam Show grounds.  Find out more and see the catalog at  

Tenney promotes tax plan she says will lower costs for families and small businesses

By Press Release

Press Release: 

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) unveiled her Tax Plan designed to reduce financial burdens on families and support small businesses in New York's 24th Congressional District and across the nation.

As a member of the House Ways and Means Committee, which oversees the nation's tax policy, Tenney is leading the charge to make the tax code work for all Americans. Additionally, Tenney is committed to holding the IRS accountable and preventing unfair auditing practices.

"My top priority has always been to protect New York taxpayers and promote economic growth by advocating for a tax code that rewards hard work and entrepreneurship and allows Americans to take home more of their earnings," said Congresswoman Tenney. "The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), which I supported, was the most significant tax reform legislation signed into law in decades. I remain dedicated to supporting tax policies that are pro-growth, pro-worker, and fiscally responsible to shield hardworking taxpayers from high prices and wasteful spending by the government."

To view Tenney's full Tax Plan, click here.

Walk to End Alzheimer’s set for Batavia on September 14

By Press Release

Press Release:

The Alzheimer’s Association is inviting Genesee and Wyoming County residents to join the fight to end Alzheimer’s by participating in the Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s on Saturday, September 14, at Centennial Park in Batavia. Registration opens at 10 a.m., with the Walk commencing at 11 a.m.

“This is a pivotal moment in the fight against Alzheimer’s. There are now treatments that change the course of the disease,” says Kaitlyn Less, director of development for the Western New York Chapter. “We hope that everyone in the community can join us to help the Alzheimer’s Association raise awareness and funds for families facing the disease today, take more steps toward treatments and finally end this disease.”

Julia Rogers of Batavia has participated in the Genesee/Wyoming Walk for several years. “I Walk to honor those who live with this disease and in memory of those who passed away before a cure could be found,” she says. "It must be so scary for people with Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. Just for a moment imagine you can't come up with a close family member's or friend's name or participate in familiar activities like you used to. Our Walk supports the caregivers, family members and friends who have become the safety and security for their loved ones.”

On Walk day, participants honor those affected by Alzheimer’s with the poignant Promise Garden ceremony – a mission-focused experience that signifies our solidarity in the fight against the disease. During the ceremony, walkers will carry flowers of various colors, each color representing their personal connection to the disease.

Nearly 7 million Americans are living with Alzheimer's disease – a leading cause of death in the United States. Additionally, more than 11 million family members and friends provide care to people living with Alzheimer’s and other dementias. In New York State, there are more than 426,5000 people living with the disease and 543,000 caregivers.

The funds raised through the Walk to End Alzheimer’s ensure the programs and services provided by the Alzheimer’s Association are free to all who need them, in addition to funding the research and advocacy efforts which have resulted in new treatments for people living in the early stage.

To register and receive the latest updates on this year’s Walk to End Alzheimer’s for Genesee and Wyoming Counties, visit

Catch 'a little bit' of the flying bug during Wings Over Batavia this weekend

By Joanne Beck
Air Show 1
Photo by Jim Burns

Anyone living in Batavia, and certainly those in the vicinity of Genesee County Airport, would have heard the unmistakable engine sounds of airplanes and jets zooming overhead Friday afternoon and evening as performers rehearsed and pivoted for media in preparation for the Wings Over Batavia Air Show this weekend.

Organizers and county leaders were at the airport excitedly anticipating the two-day event. While much of the focus, understandably, zeroes in on the performers and acts, county Legislative Chair Shelley Stein says there are other aspects to be considered.

"This air show is about pride in our community and what we can put together as a group of individuals,” Stein said Friday evening at the airport on Saile Drive. “You don't really have to be an airplane aficionado to appreciate the artistry in the sky and the fact that it's a family event, right? So, the kiddos get in for free when you have a parent buying a ticket. It's affordable. It is imaginative here, and it encourages kids to think about flying as a career. You can't help but catch a little bit of a bug here for the kids. So it's just engaging on all levels for our community.”

Although the event has done well in drawing locals and encouraging them to sign up as “Bataviators” for an online newsletter to get updates about the show, it also benefits the community by driving others here to Batavia, Stein said.

“To see our communities, our community center here, and as they come through, they're looking at our downtowns, they're looking at our small villages, they're checking us out from every angle,” she said. “And, of course, there's always that spending that happens in the community. So we're appreciative of the gas tax, not just the gas tax, but the sales tax throughout the community that gets paid from all of our visitors. 

"We know that our hoteliers have said that they've got blocks of rooms that have been blocked out for months getting ready for this air show. We've got visitors from all over Canada, California, Pennsylvania," she said. "It's exciting for us to have somebody else bringing dollars into our communities. You know, I just can't say enough thanks and appreciation to the leadership team here that put on the Wings of Batavia, and the hospitality of Pete and Doreen Zeliff is absolutely incredible. What a gift they are to our community.”

Ken and Austin Rieder, pilots
Austin, left, and Ken Rieder, pilots with the Red Line Air Shows.
Photo by Jim Burns

Father-son duo Ken and Austin Rieder, with their show, Red Line Air Shows, based out of Cincinnati, Ohio, were ready with their Vans RV-8 aircraft, specially built by Ken, with four so far with a fifth one in the works. 

“We have modified them in a few ways, but they are subtle modifications, and it's just for increased performance for us, for what we're doing, obviously inverted oil and inverted fuel systems so we can fly upside down,” Austin said. “But beyond that, it's just kind of, we have it specially set up for us, and then also for a night show, fireworks show that we do. So we're a tight, precision formation team, and what we try to do is we're looking for more of like a ballet or a very specialized, smooth performance. Both of our airplanes are there as they are aerobatic, but they're not as aerobatic as maybe another airplane extra or a Pitts or, you know, an MXS.”

No matter what they’re not, these aircraft promise an adrenaline-rushing demonstration that will keep everyone on their toes. Ken said it takes skill and maneuvering, for sure, and good communication back and forth. 

“I do all the talking. Since I'm flying the lead position, I'm responsible for setting up the position, the timing, what maneuver we're gonna do, where we're located within the box, and our aerobatic area. And he makes me look good,” he said. “All I have to be is very predictable for him to be able to match what I'm doing. And that's the whole deal. So we've done this same routine for the last three years, and quite honestly, I've done that for the ten or more before that the exact same routine. So he expects me to snake certain calls at certain times, and the only times he'll speak up is if I got a little too much power in or if I'm creeping away. Or, you know, we're trying to match timing. Tally, Tally, meaning, I see you, you see me, those kind of things.”

Austin described it personally as a lot of fun for him.

“It's a different element than just flying solo by yourself, especially flying with your dad. That's another added bonus. But it's just super enjoyable to be sitting on somebody else's wing while they're flying a maneuver, and you're just trying to mirror it to the best you can,” he said. “What I like is that a difference from a solo performance is we take up the whole view from somebody from corner of the box to corner of the box, old runway position. 

"So we want to kind of fill the whole space for a spectator to see what's going on. You know, you can be at one end of the box or the other and still get the same performance throughout the whole thing," he said. "A lot of the maneuvers we’re doing opposing or opposite from each other. And then, obviously, we're doing a whole lot of things together too.”

Ken was the first in his family to learn to fly and has been doing aerobatics for 38 years now. When he first started out, he said a 21-year-old Ken started aerobatics after buying a book to learn about the maneuvers and did rolls and loops before he knew it. This was way before YouTube "tutorials" were available. 

He recalled how Austin “was probably three years old climbing up onto my lap watching ‘Wings’ on the Discovery Channel, and my wife said he’s going to be a pilot.”

Ken described the night show they will also be including this weekend.

“So the night show, we're shooting off about 2,500 individual shots of fireworks. So there's a whole lot. It takes us about six hours to load up for a six-minute fireworks show. So it is a lot, but it is about the neatest thing I think you can do. There's only a few of us in the nation who do it, and three that really do it to the level that we're doing it,” he said. “You'll see this weekend from (Nathan Hammond) and I, but yeah, next year, he'll (Austin) be doing it with me, so we're looking forward to actually doing this as a two shift.”

Both nights explode in fireworks shows, and this year, 500 drones will be added to the twilight display. Limited tickets are still available. For more information or tickets, go to Wings Over Batavia.

Photos by Jim Burns

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Video by Howard Owens
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Air Show 8

For the love of bees, 6 generations of farming

By Kara Richenberg
bees in pembroke
Joshua Altrogge holds a frame of honey at a yard in Darien.
Photo by Kara Richenberg.

As the summer season winds down, the focus at Wee Bee Honey, a prominent local bee farm from Cowlesville, shifts to bottling and preparing honey for the upcoming year. 

With an average of 2,300 to 2,600 colonies in six counties (over 700 of which are in Genesee County) and with about 60,000 bees per colony, Mark and Anna Almeter are hard at work making sure that their bees continue to play a crucial role in the food supply.

“One-third of everything we eat is dependent on a honeybee. It’s not just what you and I will eat but what your animals are going to eat," Anna says. "They are all dependent.”

Mark Almeter, who began beekeeping his own hives in 1973, and his wife have established a legacy of dedication to their craft. Their son, Andreas Almeter, will be the sixth generation of bee farmers in the family. 

The Almeters manage a split farm operation, utilizing New York's dormant season to harvest honey from their Florida farm.

Honey production depends on a variety of factors, including weather, the strength of the colony, and what’s in bloom. Each hive produces approximately 35 pounds of honey per "crop," with three crops per season. However, a rainy stretch can impact yields.

At the heart of the beekeeping process are the “supers,” where the bees store extra honey. To harvest, a bee blower is used to gently remove bees from these supers, allowing beekeepers to replace them with empty frames. The honey-laden supers are then transported back to the farm where honey is spun off and the empty combs are returned to the hives.

Honeybees are essential for the pollination of many crops, including almonds, apples, cherries, peaches, strawberries, and cucumbers.

The Almeters are dedicated to the well-being of their bees, providing them with vitamins and essential oils to keep them healthy. They also advocate for supporting American bee farmers and the pure honey they produce. 

“If we do anything, we always ask ourselves, ‘Is that good for the bees?’" Anna said. "We need to take care of the bees.”

Their six-generation story began in 1892 when great, great grandpa Noah DeMuth bought his first beehives. His farm was located in Pembroke, and his love of bees was contagious and very obvious to all that knew him.

As the bee population faces various challenges, the Almeter's commitment to maintaining their bees' health is their top priority.  For more information on their family farm and honey visit their website

bees in pembroke
Photo by Kara Richenberg.
bees in pembroke
Photo by Kara Richenberg.
bees in pembroke
Photo by Kara Richenberg.
bees in pembroke
Photo by Kara Richenberg.
bees in pembroke
Andreas Almeter holding a frame of brood and honey.
Photo by Kara Richenberg.
honey bee
Photo of a honeybee. You can tell the difference between a honeybee compared to other bees by their golden and black coloring (not yellow) and that they are hairy.
Photo courtesy of Andreas Almeter. 

Sponsored Post: Just listed; 6745 Byron Road, Byron! Call Reliant today

By Sponsored Post

Super solid country home located in Byron-Bergen school system on almost 2.5 acres. This home has a lot of offer everyone, almost 2,000 square foot home with lots of spread out room. An absolute great country yard surrounded by field and great views. Offers an attached garage with welders hookups for that handy person as well as a 10x12 two story shed with electric and a 26x 32 three car garage with electric! Talk about a place to hang out!! Well built and ready to move in, updated throughout the years, Super easy to check out. Don’t delay - call us today! Call 585-344-HOME (4663).

Need a smile? Just look up, Ghostwriter is leaving his mark

By Joanne Beck
Ghostwriter pic during air show prep

Photo by Jim Burns.

Ghostwriter is at it again -- leaving his special designs in the sky as he and other performers prepare for the second annual Wings Over Batavia Air Show Saturday and Sunday. 

This smiley face with a clear blue backdrop was captured by photographer Jim Burns on a sunny Friday afternoon. 

Top Items on Batavia's List

AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC CITY OF BATAVIA SALARY $25.54-$30.08 DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: Assignments in this Class require the exercise of specialized skills in tasks pertaining to the maintenance and repair of a wide variety of machinery and equipment used in public works activities, as well as to other vehicles owned or operated by the municipal employer. In smaller agencies, an Automotive Mechanic may exercise a degree of supervision over assistant mechanics or Equipment Operators performing minor maintenance and repair on equipment, with general supervision being received from a supervisor, superintendent, or other such official or designee. Does related work, as required. TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: Repairs motorized and non-motorized equipment, such as trucks, tractors, mowers, graders, loaders, sweepers, rollers, compressors, and automobiles; Adjusts, repairs, and rebuilds gasoline and diesel engines; Repairs and replaces components of equipment, such as suspension systems, drive assemblies, brake systems, fuel systems, electrical systems, and cooling systems, and makes necessary adjustments to same; Carries out sanding, sandblasting, filling, painting, and related body-work tasks; Makes minor welding repairs; Operates drills, grinders, and other metal-working machines related to automotive repair functions; Performs preventative maintenance tasks which may include vehicle inspections; Attaches and removes snow plows, blades, and other attachments for motorized equipment; Maintains records of tasks performed, and other pertinent records; Requisitions parts and materials, to ensure adequate supply to maintain workflow; Acts as Equipment Operator, or wingman, as directed; May drive buses, cars, or trucks; May deliver fuel to job sites; Keeps shop area neat and clean. The above examples of duties are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related or a logical assignment to the position. FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITY AND/OR PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Thorough knowledge of standard automotive repair and maintenance methods; thorough knowledge of automotive repair terminology and tools; working knowledge of welding techniques; ability to make difficult repairs to heavy automotive and other mechanical equipment; ability to work from plans and specifications, and to follow rough draft sketches and oral instructions; good motor and hand eye coordination; manual dexterity. The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. While performing the duties of this job, the employee is occasionally required to reach with hands and arms. The employee constantly is required to stand; walk; and use hands to finger, handle, feel or operate objects, tools, or controls. The employee is occasionally required to sit; climb or balance; stoop, kneel, crouch, or crawl; and talk or hear. The employee must occasionally lift and/or move up to 100 pounds. Specific vision abilities required by this job include close vision, distance vision, and the ability to adjust focus. The work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. While performing the duties of this job, the employee regularly works in outside weather conditions. The employee is frequently exposed to wet and/or humid conditions. The employee is occasionally exposed to risk of electrical shock. The noise level in the work environment is usually moderate to loud. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: One year of full-time paid experience as a skilled automotive repairman. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS:  Some jurisdictions may require appointees to receive and maintain certification as a NYS Motor Vehicle Inspector, within six months of appointment. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT AND CONTINUED EMPLOYMENT: 1.     Possession and maintenance of appropriate valid license(s), as required. 2.     In school districts where incumbent may operate a school bus, possession of a valid appropriate level New York State Driver's License is required. 3.     Drivers must be at least 21 years of age. NOTE:  In addition, candidates must satisfy the requirements for School Bus Driver set forth in the Rules and Regulations of the New York State Commissioner of Education. Non-Competitive Class Civil Service Applications are due to Human Resources no later than October 18, 2024.
Tags: Jobs offered

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