There is reported smoke coming from the barn at 2689 Brown Road, Corfu.
East Pembroke fire and one engine from Corfu dispatched.
Mercy EMS also dispatched.
UPDATE 12:49 a.m.: A responding chief warns of slick roads in route to the scene. More manpower requested to East Pembroke's hall.
UPDATE 12:51 a.m.: Working chimney fire in the barn. Heavy smoke showing. East Pembroke chief requests a second alarm.
UPDATE 12:58 a.m.: Pembroke dispatched to the scene. Town of Batavia to stand by in East Pembroke's hall.
UPDATE 1:04 a.m.: Town of Batavia tanker requested to the scene.
UPDATE 1:08 a.m.: Indian Falls is responding.
UPDATE 1:15 a.m.: Firefighters are having water supply issues. More tankers requested to the scene. Another pumper requested from Pembroke to set up a hydrant draw site. Fire now breaking through one of the walls.
UPDATE(S) by Billie 1:24 a.m.: The fire has broken through another side of the barn.
UPDATES 1:43 a.m.: Heavy smoke and flames are coming out of the east side of the barn. Alabama is requested to have an engine fill in at East Pembroke's hall.
UPDATE 1:52 a.m.: Initially, the property owner did try to put out the fire with a fire extinguisher, but realized the effort was futile and he got out of the barn safely.
UPDATE 2:12 a.m.: A lot of white smoke is still coming from the back of the barn, but no flames are showing at this point.
UPDATE 3:02 a.m.: National Grid is called to the scene to cut power to the barn and to find out why there's no power at the house. It's unclear if power is out at other properties in the immediate vicinity.
UPDATE 3:10 a.m. (by Howard): Fire is out.