Suzanne Corona en Suzanne Corona Local Matters © 2008-2023 The Batavian. All Rights Reserved. Sat, 07 Sep 2024 20:10:55 -0400 Sun, 30 Aug 2020 17:23:00 -0400 Sex in the City: Suzanne Corona accused of promoting prostitution at her home
Suzanne Corona
2010 mugshot

A Batavia woman whose previous antics have led to multiple criminal charges over the past decade, including a charge of adultery that made international headlines, has been accused of allowing prostitution at her home on Osterhout Avenue.

Suzanne M. Corona, 51, is charged with promoting prostitution, 4th (advance or profits from prostitution), and permitting prostitution on a premises.

It's alleged that on Aug. 19, Corona allowed prostitution to occur at her residence and agreed, in advance, to accept a fee for another person to engage in sexual activity while at the residence. 

Corona was released on an appearance ticket. 

There were two other people arrested as part of the incident, according to a police source, but those arrest reports have not yet been released.

Corona's name became familiar locally after her arrest in early June 2010 on an adultery charge for engaging in a sexual act with a man on a picnic table at Farrall Park. The adultery statute has rarely been used in New York and her arrest made headlines in the United Kingdom, Europe and Australia. The police department was surprised by the interest in the case. The adultery charge was eventually dropped by prosecutor Lawrence Friedman. She admitted to public lewdness.

Shortly after that case was closed, Corona was accused of trashing the buffet at the now-defunct South Beach Restaurant. Initially, owner Ken Mistler was going to have her carry a sign on Main Street that read "I Stole from South Beach." After a "sincere apology" and restitution, Mistler dropped his demand for the "walk of shame."

She was arrested on a shoplifting charge in 2011, as well as being accused of shoplifting at Target while a K-9 and deputy were in the store for a public demo. In 2015, Corona admitted to a drug-dealing felony. That conviction lead to a year-and-a-half in prison, followed by probation, and until this most recent arrest, she had managed to avoid trouble with the law.

The prostitution case was investigated by Officer Arick Perkins along with officers Wesley Rissinger and Adam Tucker.

]]> Aug 30, 2020, 5:23pm Suzanne Corona Sex in the City: Suzanne Corona accused of promoting prostitution at her home Howard Owens <div> <div class="field field--name-field-media-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img loading="lazy" src="" width="120" height="176"> </div> </div> <em>Suzanne Corona<br> 2010 mugshot</em> <p>A Batavia woman whose previous antics have led to multiple criminal charges over the past decade, including a charge of adultery that made international headlines, has been accused of allowing prostitution at her home on Osterhout Avenue.</p> <p>Suzanne M. Corona, 51, is charged with promoting prostitution</p>
Suzanne Corona sentenced today to year and a half in prison Suzanne Corona was sentenced to one and a half years in state prison this afternoon and one year post-release supervision by Genesee County Court Acting Judge Michael F. Pietruszka.

The determinant sentence was given for her guilty plea last year to one count of criminal sale of a controlled substance in the fifth degree.

She admitted selling one suboxone pill for $60 to an undercover drug agent.

Although Corona has a record of petty, albeit some sensational, crimes dating back to 2010, the suboxone sale was her first felony offense.

She could have avoided prison entirely had she been able to successfully complete probation, given in lieu of incarceration, in that case.

But in April she admitted lacing her coffee with the liqueur Amaretto. In exchange for her admission of the probation violation, Judge Pietruszka allowed her to continue probation without any additional penalty.

A week later, she tested postive for alcohol again and was sent to jail for the weekend. On April 25, she was back in court and the judge released her to the custody of an inpatient rehab facility for a month after signing a court order for the medical care. Upon release, she was in court for a bail review hearing and the judge determined that despite the stay in rehab, she was in violation of her probation and she was ordered back to jail.

Today, she smiled wanly at her husband in the gallery when she was led into the courtroom by a bailiff. Wearing navy blue scrubs and canvas slip-on shoes, chained at the waist and handcuffed, she stood with regal posture next to her attorney, Brian Degnan.

"Miss Corona has a lengthy criminal history -- both in this court and in local courts," said Assistant District Attorney Kevin Finnell (standing in for ADA William Zickl). "She has shown a lack of ability to comply with the conditions of her probation."

Attorney Degnan said his client successfully completed the month-long rehab program and that authorities recommend she be placed in a halfway house, a sober living facility, but she and her spouse cannot afford the $900-per-month cost of that option. He acknowleged her failure to comply with probation and said she intends to take classes to improve her mental health and well being.

"She has issues she needs to work on," Degnan said.

Degnan disputed Zickl's characterization of his client's criminal past, specifically the claim that she "has a lengthy criminal history in this court."

The judge asked Corona if she had anything to say on her own behalf. She did.

"I would like to apologize to you for not being able to complete my probation," she said clearly and sincerely, adding that she intends to take as many classes as she can to improve herself.

Then, choking back tears, she said "I apologize to my family for being so selfish and not realizing how much hurt I have caused them. My family has suffered and now they'll suffer because I won't be here."

With that, the matter was concluded. Her husband told her that he loved her; she waved awkwardly to him with one of her manacled hands and was led away.

]]> Jul 14, 2016, 6:38pm Suzanne Corona Suzanne Corona sentenced today to year and a half in prison Billie Owens <p>Suzanne Corona was sentenced to one and a half years in state prison this afternoon and one year post-release supervision by Genesee County&nbsp;Court Acting Judge&nbsp;Michael F. Pietruszka.</p> <p>The determinant sentence was given for her guilty plea last year to one count of criminal sale of a controlled substance in the</p>
Corona will likely lose her freedom in mid-July after violating terms of probation

After violating her one-year interim probation twice, Osterhout Avenue's most infamous denizen, Suzanne Corona, was back in Genesee County Court today for a bail review.

Her attorney, Brian Degnan, brought a freshly minted certificate of completion for a 28-day stint in an inpatient recovery facility for substance abusers, which was ordered by the court last month after Corona's second violation -- both for using alcohol.

On April 13, she admitted to Acting Judge Michael F. Pietruszka that she laced her coffee with the almond-flavored Italian liqueur Amaretto. With the admission, Pietruszka allowed her to continue serving probation without any additional penalty.

But a week later, she tested postive for alcohol again and was sent to jail for the weekend (mug shot at right). On April 25, she was back in court wearing a bright orange jailhouse jumpsuit. Degnan said a bed in a recovery facility was available immediately and the judge released her to their custody for a month after signing a court order for the medical care.

Despite the certificate for completing rehab as required, it was determined that she had violated the terms of her release under supervision, as set forth last year when she admitted selling $60 worth of suboxone to an undercover drug task force agent. (She pled guilty to attempted fifth-degree criminal sale of a controlled substance, a felony. By doing so, she avoided serving up to one and a half years in prison and got one year of post-release supervision and probation instead...until now...)

She is to be sentenced in Genesee County Court at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 14. 

]]> May 24, 2016, 3:39pm Suzanne Corona Corona will likely lose her freedom in mid-July after violating terms of probation Billie Owens <p></p><div class="align-right"> <div class="field field--name-field-media-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img loading="lazy" src="" width="120" height="170"> </div> </div> After violating her one-year interim probation twice, Osterhout Avenue's most infamous denizen, Suzanne Corona, was back in Genesee County Court today for a bail review. <p>Her attorney, Brian Degnan, brought a freshly minted certificate of completion for a 28-day stint in&nbsp;an inpatient recovery facility for substance abusers, which was ordered</p>
Suzanne Corona admits to dosing coffee with Amaretto in violation of probation Suzanne Corona admitted to a violation of her probation in Genesee County Court on Wednesday afternoon and therefore Acting Judge Michael F. Pietruszka allowed her to continue serving probation without any additional penalty.

"I put Amaretto in my coffee," she told the judge, explaining why a urine sample taken from her on March 21 tested positive for alcohol, which she is forbidden from imbibing under the terms of her probation.

The terms were set forth last year after she admitted selling $60 worth of suboxone, a controlled substance, to an undercover agent of the Local Drug Enforcement Task Force.

By pleading guilty on Aug. 3, she avoided serving up to one and a half years in prison and one year of post-release supervision and got probation instead, without objection from the DA's Office.

Although she got into trouble with the law several times during the period of 2010 and 2014, she had never faced a felony charge until then. As a first-time felony offender, the judge in the case, Robert C. Noonan, now retired, had leeway to give her jail time instead or probation.

Corona made headlines worldwide when she was arrested on an adultery charge in 2010 after being observed in an apparent sexual act with a man not her husband on a picnic table in Farrall Park. Then came accusations of shoplifting from a local restaurant, which led to a disturbance there and Corona being wheeled away on a gurney into a waiting ambulance, and various other shoplifting charges, including an arrest at Target on a day when a Sheriff's deputy was there doing a K-9 demonstration.

The Ousterhout Avenue resident avoided getting into trouble for a long time and then came the arrest for selling suboxone.

After testing positive for alcohol last month, she initially denied violating the conditions of her probation, then on the advice of her attorney, Brian Degnan, she reversed course. Even in court yesterday, after having conferred with her attorney, she at first refused to admit guilt.

Pietruszka asked if she was on medication and she said is prescribed medication for "mental health, pain, anxiety and thyroid." When asked, she said she has never been in treatment for drug addiction but she has, and continues, treatment for alcoholism.

Asked if she was satisfied with her attorney, she said yes, and acknowleged that her admission of guilt was being made without coercion or under any threat, and with the understanding that admitting the violation was the same as being convicted after a hearing in court.

The judge said in reviewing her file, he saw nothing to indicate an extra penalty would be imposed if she failed supervision. He said the interim supervision of probation imposed last summer would continue.

Corona, in her mid-40s, was easily the best-dressed person in the gallery of the courtroom Wednesday, admittedly not a high bar. She wore a short, navy blue, knit panel skirt and matching jacket, with buff-colored pumps, nude hose, a cloth shoulder bag with a long strap that had wide, bold navy and white stripes. Her chunky silver wristwatch was encrusted with crystals. French manicured nails, one fingertip painted navy; silver thumb ring and thin silver bangle earrings. Her perfume? "Juicy Couture."

After she left the courtroom by herself, she seemed relieved, the nervousness she conceded earlier abated. Asked how she ended up where she is, she sadly and briefly articulated the "rough road" of her upbringing and said she is working hard on her issues.

And Degnan couldn't help but note that for someone like his client to have only slipped up once in nearly a year is in itself an accomplishment.

"I pay $105 out of my own pocket for counseling, (I go) three times a week," she said proudly. "I don't get public assistance."

]]> Apr 14, 2016, 1:04pm Suzanne Corona Suzanne Corona admits to dosing coffee with Amaretto in violation of probation Billie Owens <p>Suzanne Corona admitted to a violation of her probation in Genesee County Court on Wednesday afternoon and therefore Acting Judge Michael F. Pietruszka allowed her to continue serving probation without any additional penalty.</p> <p>"I put Amaretto in my coffee," she told the judge, explaining why a urine sample taken from</p>
Suzanne Corona admits to drug dealing felony

Suzanne Corona, infamous because of her 2010 arrest on an adultery charge, and who's been in and out of trouble with the law ever since, admitted this morning to her first felony conviction.

In Genesee County Court, as part of a plea deal, Corona entered a guilty plea to a single count of attempted criminal sale of a controlled substance, 5th, a Class E felony.

As a result, she faces up to one-and-a-half years in jail, but as a first-time felony offender, and no limitation on her sentence as part of the deal, Judge Robert C. Noonan will have latitude to give her a shorter jail term or even probation.

She is scheduled to be sentenced at 1:30 p.m., Sept. 29.

Corona admitted to selling an amount of suboxone to an agent of the Local Drug Task Force in May 2014.

As part of the plea deal, she agreed to restitution to the county of $60.

The story of Suzanne Corona made international tabloids in June 2010 after a Batavia police officer responded to a complaint in Farrall Park of a couple engaged in sexual activity. The officer, knowing Corona and knowing the man she was with wasn't her husband, charged her with adultery, a seldom used criminal charge in the State of New York. In the following months and years, Corona was arrested on a series of petty theft charges, and then didn't make the news for a long time prior to this arrest.

She was initially charged with fourth-degree criminal sale of a controlled substance and fourth-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance.

Photo: file photo.

]]> Aug 3, 2015, 12:15pm Suzanne Corona Suzanne Corona admits to drug dealing felony Howard Owens <p></p> <p><a href="">Suzanne Corona</a>, infamous because of her 2010 arrest on an adultery charge, and who's been in and out of trouble with the law ever since, admitted this morning to her first felony conviction.</p> <p>In Genesee County Court, as part of a plea deal, Corona entered a guilty plea to</p>
Plea agreement delayed for Suzanne Corona's alleged drug sale charge So far, there's no plea agreement for Suzanne Corona in her alleged drug sale charge. The attorneys in the case could not reach an agreement, though Corona was scheduled to appear in Genesee County Court today for a possible plea.

Judge Robert C. Noonan held a conference with Assistant District Attorney Will Zickl and Corona's attorney Brian Degnan but with no deal, the case was adjourned.

Corona, 45, of Osterhout Avenue, Batavia, is charged with fourth-degree criminal sale of a controlled substance and fourth-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance. She allegedly sold suboxone to an agent of the Local Drug Task Force in March.

If a plea is not negotiated, the case will go to trial.

She is due back in court at 9 a.m. on Aug. 3.

For previous coverage, click here.

]]> Jul 23, 2015, 6:07pm Suzanne Corona Plea agreement delayed for Suzanne Corona's alleged drug sale charge trt6538_46918 <p>So far, there's no plea agreement for&nbsp;Suzanne Corona in her&nbsp;alleged drug sale charge. The attorneys in the case could not reach an agreement, though Corona was scheduled to appear in Genesee County Court today for a possible plea.</p> <p>Judge Robert C. Noonan held a conference with Assistant District Attorney Will</p>
Suzanne Corona jailed on drug sale charge

Suzanne Corona

With the exception of a petit larceny charged a year ago, Suzanne Corona has pretty much been able to keep her name out of the news since 2011.

The 45-year-old Osterhout Avenue resident became an international sensation in June 2010 when he was caught in a sexually compromised situation on a picnic table in Farrall Park.

The illicit tryst for the married woman led to a rare criminal charge of adultery, which sparked news headlines in tabloids from New York to London to Australia. 

Over the next year, her exploits continued to make news, especially in Western New York, but then she faded from view.

Her arrest by the Local Drug Task Force on Tuesday has her facing her most serious criminal charges yet.

Corona is accused of selling suboxone to an agent of the task force.

She is charged with fourth-degree criminal sale of a controlled substance and fourth-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance.

The charges are the fist time she faces a possible felony conviction.

Corona was jailed pending a bail review today.

Top: File photo from 2011.

]]> Mar 25, 2015, 1:08pm Suzanne Corona Suzanne Corona jailed on drug sale charge Howard Owens <p></p> <div> <div class="field field--name-field-media-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img loading="lazy" src="" width="120" height="170"> </div> </div> <em>Suzanne Corona</em> <p>With the exception of a petit larceny charged a year ago, <a href="">Suzanne Corona</a> has pretty much been able to keep her name out of the news since 2011.</p> <p>The 45-year-old Osterhout Avenue resident became an international sensation in June 2010 when he was caught in a sexually compromised</p>
Corona allegedly tried to steal from Target with law enforcement in store

Shortly after 4:30 p.m., Suzanne Corona, who has been involved in previous criminal cases that made news, walked into the Target store on Veterans Memorial Drive.

Dressed in a gray jacket and blue jeans, she carried a bag over to customer service and pulled out two clothing items for exchange. After showing a receipt for the purchase, she received a handful of cash and put it in her purse.

Corona then walked past a local reporter, a Sheriff's Deputy and his K-9 and the store's asset protection manager, seemingly avoiding eye contact as she proceeded to the jewelry counter.

The asset protection manager, alerted her security staff. She said, "We have her on camera."

The reporter left the store, thinking, "what could possibly happen with a deputy, a K-9, and an asset protection manager right here?"

About five minutes later, Corona reportedly left the store and began to run into the parking lot, calling out, according to witness Brandon Maldonado, "Bruce, Bruce, I'm over here."

Two other people reported seeing Corona duck in between cars and Deputy Brian Thompson with K-9 "Pharoah" exited the store in pursuit of Corona. Thompson later said he glanced over at Maldonado, whose direction of gaze told him where Corona appeared to be hiding.

Thompson said that when he apprehended Corona, he found the allegedly stolen merchandise, perfume, on her.

Corona was returned to the store where she was arrested on a petit larceny charge.

A short time later, Thompson was called back outside to check on a car with Florida license plates. Inside the car, additional merchandise was found that might have come from other local stores and Thompson said there will be an investigation into whether those items were also stolen.

The car reportedly belongs to Corona's brother.

The man who was with the car was released. It's not believed that he was involved in, or had any knowledge of, any alleged thefts.

Corona was then transported to Genesee County Jail for processing.

In June 2009, Corona was arrested in Farrall Park and accused of public lewdness and adultery. The adultery charge made the case somewhat of an international sensation for a short time. Later, Corona was accused of trashing the buffet at South Beach and of shoplifting from a local floral shop.

The adultery charge was dropped as part of a plea arrangement and in November 2010 she was placed on one-year probation. In March, in relation to the shoplifting case, she was referred to the Mental Health Court. 

(initial report)

For previous coverage of Corona, click here.

UPDATE 10:07 p.m.: The Sheriff's Office has issued its press release on Suzanne Marie Corona's arrest. Corona allegedly tried to exit the store and when she did, the anti-theft alarm sounded. She then allegedly attempted to flee. She allegedly attempted to steal two pair of sunglasses, a hair band and a necklace, not perfume as we originally reported.

Photo of Corona outside target this afternoon submitted by a reader. Copyright 2011 by the reader. All rights reserved.

]]> Jun 13, 2011, 7:31pm Suzanne Corona Corona allegedly tried to steal from Target with law enforcement in store Howard Owens <p> </p> <p> Shortly after 4:30 p.m., Suzanne Corona, who has been involved in previous criminal cases that made news, walked into the Target store on Veterans Memorial Drive.</p> <p> Dressed in a gray jacket and blue jeans, she carried a bag over to customer service and pulled out two clothing items for exchange</p>
'Ms. Corona' suspected of shoplifting at Target Batavia resident Suzanne Corona, 43, is in the security office at Target, being held on suspicion of shoplifting.

Within the past half hour or so, Corona is alleged to have ran from the store, allegedly carrying merchandise some perfume, and yelling "Bruce, Bruce, I'm over here!" before ducking down and supposedly trying to hide among the parked vehicles, according to witness Brandon Maldonado.

After causing a commotion and exiting the store, she was apprehended by Sheriff's Deputy Brian Thompson, who was in the store at the time doing a K-9 demonstration with "Pharoah."

Dispatch was notified that "Ms. Corona" was being detained and an officer sent to take a statement.

Corona's past brushes with local law enforcement include allegations of shopping from a local florist, trashing a lunch buffet and engaging in a sexual encounter at a public park.

(The name of the perfume has not been disclosed.)

UPDATE 10:09 p.m.: It was not perfume as we were originally told, but Corona allegedly attempted to steal two pair of sunglasses, a hair band and a necklace.

]]> Jun 13, 2011, 5:13pm Suzanne Corona 'Ms. Corona' suspected of shoplifting at Target Billie Owens <p> Batavia resident Suzanne Corona, 43, is in the security office at Target, being held on suspicion of shoplifting.</p> <p> Within the past half hour or so, Corona is alleged to have ran from the store, allegedly carrying merchandise&nbsp;some perfume, and yelling "Bruce, Bruce, I'm over here!" before ducking down</p>
Suzanne Corona accused of shoplifting from Batavia florist UPDATED 1:31 p.m.

Suzanne Corona, 42, was back in police custody today after allegedly trying to steal a flower arrangement from Batavia Stage Coach Florist & Gifts in the Genesee Country Mall.

Corona is charged with petit larceny.

During her arraignment in Batavia City Court this afternoon, Judge Robert Balbick said Corona is accused of stealing a table-top floral arrangement with a light in it valued at $20.

Corona has been given time to meet with a public defender before entering a plea. She is scheduled to reappear in city court on Wednesday afternoon.

Meanwhile, Corona was released under supervision of Genesee Justice.

Outside of the courthouse, Corona said, "What can I say? My life is a mess and I overreact in the wrong direction."

The Batavia resident made international news last summer when she was charged with public lewdness and and adultery for engaging in sexual activity with 29-year-old former Oakfield resident Justin Amend in Farrall Park. 

Corona eventually entered a guilty plea to public lewdness and was placed on probation.

Today, Corona entered the florist shop, according to owner Loretta Delpriore, and had a couple of items in her hand when Delpriore went into a back room for a phone call. When she came out, Corona was gone and so were the flower arrangements, the owner said.

Delpriore called police, identifying Corona by name as the suspect.

"I know who she is," Delpriore said. "I think everybody knows who she is."

Meanwhile, Amend, who admitted to public lewdness, is currently wanted on a bench warrant after reportedly moving to Florida before his sentencing.

]]> Jan 18, 2011, 12:34pm Suzanne Corona Suzanne Corona accused of shoplifting from Batavia florist Howard Owens <p> <em>UPDATED 1:31 p.m.</em></p> <p> Suzanne Corona, 42, was back in police custody today after allegedly trying to steal a flower arrangement from Batavia Stage Coach Florist &amp; Gifts in the Genesee Country Mall.</p> <p> Corona is charged with petit larceny.</p> <p> During her arraignment in Batavia City Court this afternoon, Judge Robert Balbick</p>