NYC en NYC Local Matters © 2008-2023 The Batavian. All Rights Reserved. Sat, 07 Sep 2024 20:25:22 -0400 Fri, 04 Aug 2023 17:26:00 -0400 Borrello introduces legislation requiring wind turbine installations in NYC Press Release:

Senator George Borrello has introduced legislation mandating that New York City, the largest consumer of energy in the state and the most fossil fuel dependent, accept turbine installations at a rate equal to that of upstate New York. 

“New York State’s leadership has expressed a commitment to making the state the most progressive in the country in its energy policy and conversion to renewables. To clear the path for their agenda, they have trampled on the state’s constitutional home rule doctrine, forcing upstate localities to accept industrial wind turbine installations even when local officials and residents are fiercely opposed,” said Sen. Borrello.

“The special interests and legislators pushing this conversion to all-renewables are largely from New York City. As upstate New York’s beautiful landscapes and Long Island’s shoreline are destroyed to make way for industrial turbine installations, the city has not had to make any comparable sacrifices, despite the fact that most of the energy produced will be diverted to the five boroughs,” said Sen. Borrello.

Specifically, the legislation would prohibit the New York State Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment from granting a certificate for the construction of an industrial wind turbine within New York State unless a certificate for a wind turbine within New York City was also issued.

“As it stands now, the loss of green space as well as the wildlife and ecosystem damage that turbines cause will be solely borne by upstate and Long Island communities, which is not only unfair, but contradicts the ‘urgency of the climate crisis’ narrative that we hear often from New York leaders,” Sen. Borrello said. “If climate change is truly an ‘existential threat to humanity’ then the cost and logistical challenges of placing wind turbines in New York City should be tackled with the same urgency of those efforts that are ongoing in other parts of the state.”

Senator Borrello also noted that upstate New York’s energy generation is already more than 90 percent emission-free, thanks to hydropower and nuclear resources.  In contrast, New York City’s energy production is largely dependent on fossil fuels.

“New York’s transition to renewable energy is going to require great sacrifices and higher costs. Those burdens shouldn’t fall disproportionately on the shoulders of upstate and Long Island residents. This measure is aimed at ensuring all regions of the state bear their fair share of the difficulties that will accompany this transition.”  

]]> Aug 4, 2023, 5:26pm NYC Borrello introduces legislation requiring wind turbine installations in NYC Press Release <p>Press Release:</p><blockquote><p>Senator George Borrello has introduced legislation mandating that New York City, the largest consumer of energy in the state and the most fossil fuel dependent, accept turbine installations at a rate equal to that of upstate New York.&nbsp;</p><p>“New York State’s leadership has expressed a commitment to making</p></blockquote>
Start Spreading The News...... I'm leaving today (well actually Thursday 8-19-10 till Monday 8-23-10)

A couple of my friends and I are going to NYC this Thursday through Monday. We are all going for different reasons. My 2 buddys are going MOSTLY because we are going to 2 Yankees games (friday and sunday) but they want to do some of  the normal "tourism" stuff too that comes with a trip to NYC, but baseball is thier main motivator for the trip..

I am going for the tourism stuff (central park, times square, grand central station, ESPN zone, M&M world LOL, a real NY style pizzeria, and a few other Misc. things)and not so much the Yankees stuff. Actually I think baseball is the most boring game on the face of the earth. I am in my mid 30's and I have tried since i was a teenager over and over again to like it, (because many of my friends love it) but I just cant do it.  Basically here is how i see the game.

1. Pitch

2. Swing and a miss

3. Catcher catches it and throws it back to the pitcher.

4. Rinse, Repeat


It seems to me that one out of every 50 pitches you actually see some action, i mean a real honest to God hit......Give me a good Sabres, or Bills game and I am a happy man. For that matter, and this is going to not make any sense to anyone, but I can watch 6 hours of Golf on TV and be on the edge of my seat yelling at the TV just like I would during a Sabres/Bills game :) And believe me, I know what most people think of golf :)

It will be interesting to see if actually being at a real live baseball game (which is something I have never done) will change my mind about the sport. I know I will love it because I absolutely LOVE live sporting events (Sabres, Bills) so even though every ounce of my being would rather watch the paint drying channel instead of a ball game, I am still for some strange reason REALLY looking forward to the 2  live Yankees games :)

]]> Aug 16, 2010, 4:56pm NYC Start Spreading The News...... mrmagoo <p>I'm leaving today (well actually Thursday 8-19-10 till Monday 8-23-10)</p> <p>A couple of my friends and I are going to NYC this Thursday through&nbsp;Monday. We are all going for different reasons. My 2 buddys are going MOSTLY because we are going to 2 Yankees games (friday and sunday)&nbsp;but they want</p>