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Today's Poll: Should the eligibility age for Medicare be raised from 65 to 67?

By Howard B. Owens
Dave Olsen

This was written almost 20 years ago and still rings true. The corrupt mess that the federal government has become cannot be trusted with the health care future of the American people. It's that simple. End Medicare. De-Regulate the insurance industry. Pay everyone 65 years and older a voucher based on average cost of care for their particular age, pro-rate vouchers for everyone under 65 who is currently paying or has paid into the system based on contribution and then allow us to buy insurance anywhere and from anyone we choose. The ingenuity and creativity of the American businessperson will get most everyone covered and drive the costs down. Charity and the desire to do good has been a cornerstone of America since our founding and those who cannot get coverage will have someone to help them. Call me naive, but I believe people are good and will do good if allowed. Only by being responsible for our own health, will we become healthier as a nation.

Jan 28, 2013, 9:12am Permalink
John Woodworth JR

The government wants to cut cost, how about they cancel all Senators' and Congressmen's retirement checks. Exception is if they serve 20 consecutive years and collect only 40% of their base pay. How many of these individuals are out there who served only a few terms and collect 100% of their base pay and do not serve the people anymore. I would be interested in the budget that covers the retirement plan for Congress and Senate retirements. How about we control the welfare spending and stop paying for illegals that come here illegally. I am sick and tired of busting my ass and trying to provide for my family on a single parent income. I have two children that want to go to college next year and another the year after. Yet, GOV. Cuomo wants to give free tuition to illegal immigrants! THAT IS OUTRAGEOUS.......!

Jan 28, 2013, 4:27pm Permalink
John Roach

John W.,
Just for the record, no member of Congress gets 100% of their base pay for retirement. And they have to serve a minimum of 5 years to get anything. They also pay into the retirement system (not too much) and into Social Security.

And it was Assembly leader Silver who came up with the tuition idea, and it was for 'In State" rates. Nobody suggested free college for illegals in NY

Jan 28, 2013, 4:49pm Permalink
John Woodworth JR

John R. with a large number of illegal immigrants that enter this country collecting welfare (Since NYS is such a "Welfare State") and even if they are working they work for peanuts (below minimum wage). Therefore, how does one paid for something if they are on welfare? Taxpayer dollars so, how is this not free? A large number of illegal’s send money home to their families to help them there or help them to flee to America. Second, as for the retirements of Congress and Senate what is their actually percentage they get for retirement if it is not 100% then it is very close and I bet around the 200K range. Five years John R.? Still a proven fact, our fighting men and women have to put their life on the line for 20 years and collect 40% of base pay only. So, John R., where is the justice in that? I bet that there are still quite a few Congressmen and Senators that are out there that collect a retirement for 5 years service. Whether or not they collect 100% or around 200k; serve 5 years or 20 years, the government has given themselves entitlements that, the average American can't collect and that are outrageous in the Americans’ eyes. You can argue that our government holds an important position and has numerous stressful issues to handle but, they are the cause of most of them. They argue without resolution, spend money without procurement plans in place, fail to fix welfare programs, fail to put the American People ahead of their special interest, I can go on and on .

So, John R., where am I wrong about the fact our government can cut from these areas? I am not. New York State is one of the easiest states in the Union to collect welfare. Whether Illegal’s get State Rates, tuition assistance, or loans is still BS. They are still illegally in this country. How comes our borders are not under control? It is because, we entice them to come here illegally because; we do not enforce our laws in the manner they should be. We see everyone entering this country wanting to live a better life. Which in some cases is true but, we fail to believe there is elements out there that seek to destroy us. Heck, SOS Hillary Clinton and President Obama along with numerous others believe terrorism is on the downfall. They killed Osama, so they assume Al-Qaeda is falling apart. This is further from the truth then they believe. My point John R., is there is other ways to cut cost instead of taking from the elderly.

If they wish to cut cost in Medcare, then start focusing on fraud claims. Establish a database and log pictures on Medicare holders ID cards. Fine and penalized doctors who also abuse Medicare.

Jan 28, 2013, 7:22pm Permalink
Doug Yeomans

I want the same health care plan that inmates have. No matter what heath problems or dental problems they have, it doesn't cost them a dime. My first paycheck this year: Federal tax $752.34 - SS $278.24 - Medicare $65.07 - NY state tax $212.19. That amounts to $1307.84 in taxes. Hmmm...I've been paying those kinds of taxes (not including sales, property and all other taxes) for many years. Why should I even need to worry about health care, dental or retirement at all? This federal AND state government is out of control. Don't get me started.....

Jan 28, 2013, 8:42pm Permalink
John Roach

John W.,
I am not arguing the merits of illegals, Clinton, OBL or welfare.

You stated something that is not correct and I pointed it out. And except for the amount, the Congressional retirement is not all that different from your DOD federal retirement (when you retire). Most people would love a guaranteed federal civilian retirement check.

Jan 28, 2013, 10:29pm Permalink
John Woodworth JR

That is fine but totally not off the mark. As far as comparing my DoD retirement with our Congress and Senate's retirement. You are way off mark. My retirement sucks for DoD. I have Officers in there 60s who are holding on because, they can't afford to retire. My DoD Civilian retirement is far less than you think. However, something is better than nothing. I can tell you about 90% of the officers who retired recently hold other jobs. You are good at finding facts compare my retirement as a GS-07 0083 with a Congressman or Senator. Percentage and pay wise blow my retirement out of the water. Heck, if I retired Active Duty my percentage would be far less than theirs too.

Jan 29, 2013, 12:21am Permalink
John Woodworth JR

That is fine but totally not off the mark. As far as comparing my DoD retirement with our Congress and Senate's retirement. You are way off mark. My retirement sucks for DoD. I have Officers in there 60s who are holding on because, they can't afford to retire. My DoD Civilian retirement is far less than you think. However, something is better than nothing. I can tell you about 90% of the officers who retired recently hold other jobs. You are good at finding facts compare my retirement as a GS-07 0083 with a Congressman or Senator. Percentage and pay wise blow my retirement out of the water. Heck, if I retired Active Duty my percentage would be far less than theirs too.

Jan 29, 2013, 12:21am Permalink
Robert Brown

There should be ZERO retirement benefits or health benefits paid for with public dollars for elected officials who are supposed to SERVE the public. Enough already.

There are plenty of capable, intelligent, rational people who can fill government roles. We do not need hired career politicians. Either you want to serve the country or not - stop pretending and self-justifying pay and benefits. If the lot of our officials were employed in industry performing as they do while in office they would be summarily dismissed. Post haste!

As far as Medicare goes, stop the ponzi scheme - it's a scam used to false sell the public in order to garner votes. Hey, if you put a little in the pot, we'll give you lifetime care in return! Get real! Phase it out and let people use their money with their own wisdom. Educate them and they will succeed in much better fashion and with far less overhead than the government injects.

Jan 30, 2013, 12:07am Permalink

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