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Exploring the complexity of community issues as a community

By Howard B. Owens

Walter Lippmann (1889 to 1974) did damage to American journalism, and possibly to American democracy.

Why does that matter to Batavia? Because one of the philosophies behind The Batavian is to get as far away as possible from Lippmann's brand of journalism.

Lippmann was an influential thinker and writer in the early part of the 20th Century.  He wrote a number of books on the press, politics, society and government.

Lippman was an elitist. He believed that the modern world was too complex for the average citizen to grasp, and that Joe Public probably didn't care anyway. Modern democracy worked best, he argued, if the governing class was comprised of experts and professionals who set the policy and then manufactured public consent. The role of the press in this model was to merely transmit the decisions and actions of the elites  in simple terms, with little questioning or interpretation, aiming to maximize emotional impact.

Eric Alterman put it this way in a recent piece in Atlantic magazine:

Journalism works well, Lippmann wrote, when “it can report the score of a game or a transatlantic flight, or the death of a monarch.” But where the situation is more complicated, “as for example, in the matter of the success of a policy, or the social conditions among a foreign people—that is to say, where the real answer is neither yes or no, but subtle, and a matter of balanced evidence,” journalism “causes no end of derangement, misunderstanding, and even misrepresentation.”

Lippmann likened the average American—or “outsider,” as he tellingly named him—to a “deaf spectator in the back row” at a sporting event: “He does not know what is happening, why it is happening, what ought to happen,” and “he lives in a world which he cannot see, does not understand and is unable to direct.” In a description that may strike a familiar chord with anyone who watches cable news or listens to talk radio today, Lippmann assumed a public that “is slow to be aroused and quickly diverted . . . and is interested only when events have been melodramatized as a conflict.” A committed élitist, Lippmann did not see why anyone should find these conclusions shocking. Average citizens are hardly expected to master particle physics or post-structuralism. Why should we expect them to understand the politics of Congress, much less that of the Middle East?

While the whole of modern American journalism is not all Lippmann, it is too often beset by Lippmann's approach -- the tendency to take what governing officials tell us at face value; the tendency to sensational complex and weighty issues; the tendency to avoid reporting issues in their complexity and nuance.

How is that approach good for democracy?

One of Lippmann's contemporaries was John Dewey (1859 to 1952).  In The Public and its Problems, Dewey argued against Lippmann's approach to journalism and democracy.  Dewey believed that on the whole, the public could grasp complex issues, discuss them, grapple with them and achieve balanced solutions.

Dewey correctly recognized that facts only have meaning within perception, and perception is always subjective. 

While this was a problem for Lippmann, and why reporters should strive to be scientifically objective, Dewey embraced the notion that a conversation around differing perceptions could actually enhance decision-making.

Wikipedia puts it this way:

Dewey also revisioned journalism to fit this model by taking the focus from actions or happenings and changing the structure to focus on choices, consequences, and conditions, in order to foster conversation and improve the generation of knowledge in the community. Journalism would not just produce a static product that told of what had already happened, but the news would be in a constant state of evolution as the community added value by generating knowledge. The audience would disappear, to be replaced by citizens and collaborators who would essentially be users, doing more with the news than simply reading it.

The Web actually makes Dewey's conversational form of journalism much easier. Digital communication allows all members of the public -- the press, the politicians, the government agents and the citizens -- to discuss choices, consequences and conditions as equals.  Reporters need no longer be bound by the limitations of print and present just the so-called objective report, but rather explore, examine, raise and answer questions, and start conversations.

We saw an example of this style of journalism played out last week in The Batavian.  Editor Philip Anselmo interviewed Councilman Bob Bialkowski.  Mr. Bialkowski said that one of the problems facing Batavia is declining neighborhoods.

He says that "entire neighborhoods are a problem — trash all over, abandoned cars in the back yard." Head over to the southside of the city, to Jackson Street, over near Watson and Thorpe streets, State Street, and you'll see what he's talking about.

So, Philip took his advice, drove around those neighborhoods and didn't find a lot of evidence of decline.  Philip, who is well traveled and has covered such small cities as Canandaigua, where there are some pretty sub par neighborhoods, did a follow up post saying he couldn't find the decline.

This prompted a rejoinder post from Council President Charlie Mallow, who wrote:

There have been a few postings about the state of our neighborhoods and people’s opinions of the rate of decline. From someone new to the area or familiar with big city living, some missing paint and a little litter are not anything to be concerned about. People in big cities have had to live with falling property values, absentee landlords and drug activity for years. The obvious question is, why wouldn’t the people of Batavia point to the precursors of decline and pull together to keep the quality of life we have always enjoyed?

Notice a trend here? Same set of facts, different perceptions.  And if you follow the conversation in the comments as well as the related blog posts, a clearer picture emerges of the goals and aspiration of the City Council to clean up the city before things get too far gone.

Traditional, print journalism could never achieve this depth of coverage of a single issue.

By offering a method and manner to discuss choices, consequences and conditions in Batavia, The Batavian hopes to help make Batavia a stronger community.

As the site grows, as more people sign on and get involved, the more meaningful the conversations will become, the more benefitial to all of Batavia.

We hope you will participate often yourself, tell your friends and neighbors about The Batavian and help us reach our goal of enabling a better-informed, more involved community.

Previous Related Posts:


Batavia Area Jaycees lauded for community efforts

By Howard B. Owens

It looks like the local Jaycees swept up quite a few awards on Saturday, according to Scott's JCI Blog.

Scott Kinglsey of Saratoga Springs doesn't give any details on the awards banquet, but he runs down a complete list of honorees.

For Batavia, this included:

  • Jaycee Debate Batavia Area Jaycees (Pam Warren, Amy Robinson, Catherine Colby)
  • Master's Speak Up, Mel Robinson - President Batavia Area Jaycees
  • Stan Malkinsk Memorial Speak Up, Amy Robinson - Batavia Area Jaycees
  • Outstanding Local President, Mel Robinson - Batavia Area Jaycees
  • Outstanding Local Publication, The IMPACT - Batavia Area Jaycees
  • Outstanding Local Project, 55th Annual Home, Garden, and Trade Show - Batavia Area Jaycees
  • Blue Chip Parade of Chapters: Batavia Area Jaycees (tie)
    JCI Saratoga Springs (tie)
  • Outstanding Local Organization, Batavia Area Jaycees - led by President Mel Robinson

Congratulations to all the winners.  It sounds like Batavia is fortunate to have a strong Jaycee chapter.

Batavia company stakes claim to first 'naturally fat-free' chip

By Howard B. Owens

Batavia-based Brothers International Food Corp. has hit the national wires today because of a new potato chip that is supposedly tasty, addictive and fat-free.

The chips are made by peeling, slicing and cooking the potatoes, then freezedrying them.

The latter half of the process removes the moisture from the potato, leaving it crispy, light and satisfying.

More information available on

It sounds like a taste-test is in order.

Schools News Round Up

By Howard B. Owens

Genesee Community College is hosting a conference on instructional technology.

“It is with great pleasure that Genesee welcomes CIT 2008 attendees,” said Dr. Stuart Steiner, President of Genesee Community College. “We are honored to be the first community college ever to host this event and are looking forward to the wealth of ideas and information that are sure to come out of the experience.”

Notre Dame High School holds its annual 500 Club Dinner and Roast on May 29 at the Holiday in.  More information on this PDF.

From the City Schools Web site:

Coffee With The New Principal @BHS
Saturday, May 10th @ 9:00 a.m. - Cafeteria Stop by to Meet & Chat with our new high school principal, Mr. Christopher Dailey. All parents are welcome and there is no special agenda.

While looking for school news, this picture of the 1925-26 Batavia High School basketball team popped up in Google search.

Fine dining at the Pok-A-Dot

By Howard B. Owens

This morning, breakfast at the Pok-A-Dot.

True greasy spoons are treasured finds these days. The Pok-A-Dot is a classic.

From the moment I walked in, I could see the crowded counter was full of local residents who probably had been coming there for years.

As I saddled up on an empty stool, I quickly observed -- no printed menus. Speedy decision, go for the safe, sure-to-serve choice to save fumbling over options and giving myself away as a first-timer (as if that wasn't obvious from the get-go), so I went for coffee, eggs, sausage, hash browns and toast.

A word about the coffee: It will wake you up in the early morning. 

The young ladies cooking and serving the food were friendly and knew everybody in the joint but me. The conversation was personal and never touched on anything more weighty than whether to pick the chocolate or glazed donut. It made for a relaxing meal.

As I've written before, Batavia benefits from an abundance of dining establishments.  My goal: To try them all.  Any suggestions for lunch today?

Meanwhile, Philip and I will be spending the better part of today hanging out at Main Street Coffee (our permanent office is near ready).  If you stop by, please be sure to say hello, and the coffee will be on us.

UPDATE: Using Google Image search to see if there were any pictures of the Pok-A-Dot floating around on the Web, I found "The Cyber Pok-A-Dot," a large collection of photos of Pok-A-Dot customers.  Very cool.

Community news encourages civic engagement

By Howard B. Owens

Recently, I finished reading a book published in 1941 called Managing Newspaper Correspondents.  It was written for editors of small daily and weekly newspapers.  At the time, according to the book, there were 250,000 newspaper correspondents.

Correspondents were not professional journalists -- some were paid, most weren't.  In the age of the Internet, we might call them "citizen journalists."  They were people who wrote for the local newspaper because they enjoyed telling other people what was going on in their towns or their neighborhoods.

I have no idea how many such correspondents are still used by newspapers, but after about twenty years in the community newspaper business, I'm confident it is some number well south of 250K.

Correspondents did more than report what they called "locals," and media pundits now call "hyperlocal."  They helped facilitate the conversation in a community.  They played a vital role in bringing a community together.

A few years ago, Robert Putnam wrote Bowling Alone.  The title illustrates a simple point -- there were more people bowling in America than ever before, but fewer bowling leagues.  Our society has evolved into something where people participate less in their communities and spend more time in isolated activities.

There are a lot of social forces that have contributed to this trend, of course, but I can't help but think there is some connection between local newspapers getting more "professional," taking all of those "locals" out of their news columns, and the weakening social cohesion across America.

This isn't an issue in many European countries, where local newspaper readership remains strong and civic engagement remains high, and Europe has long commutes, smaller families, television, video games and the Internet, too.

We hope The Batavian can be part of a new trend to put the "community" back in community news.

This isn't an effort we can successfully undertake alone.  We need your help.

Here's what you can do:

  • Stay informed. Listen to WBTA and subscribe to the Daily News.  Use The Batavian to either fill in the gaps (no one news organization today can get to all the news) or catch up when pressed for time.
  • Contribute. Participate.  Be one of our correspondents. You can post your own news and commentary on The Batavian as blog posts, or you can comment on what somebody else has posted. You can also send your news tips to Philip Anselmo (e-mail: philip (at) the batavian dot com).
  • Believe in Batavia.  Batavia has a lot going for it. People working together in a spirit of hope can accomplish worthy goals. There's no reason that Batavia can't build on its long history of success as a community and become an even better place to live and work.
  • Encourage your friends, family and co-workers to do all of the above.  E-mail the link to this post to them. Help them discover there is a new way to contribute to Batavia.

Previous Related Posts


Now you can blog on The Batavian

By Howard B. Owens

Earlier today, I told you that soon you, too, could blog on The Batavian.

Our crack programming staff made it happen sooner than expected.  You can blog now.

How's that for soon?

All registered users have a blog by default.  To submit a post, once you're logged in, look for the "Create Content" link on the left of the page.  Click it.  The next page will have a link for "Blog Post." Click that link.  You'll then have a page that asks you to type a headline, some keywords related to your post (called "tags"), and then a text-entry area with some buttons that will remind you of Microsoft Word.

Write your post.

Scroll to the bottom where you will find "Save" and "Preview" buttons. Preview allows you to review your post before it goes live (though you still have an option to edit after it is live). When you click "Save" the post will be posted live to the site.

Your post will not appear on the home page automatically. 

At every opportunity, Philip and I will review blog posts and publish to the home page any we find of sufficiently broad interest or newsworthiness. 

Since only selected posts appear on the home page, this gives you the option to create a purely personal blog, if you like (it will still be public, but not as prominent).

Right now, your blog will have something of an ugly URL (like mine here), but eventually we'll fix the URLs so that your blog's URL identifies your username.

Have fun blogging!

Some Perry residents oppose wind farm, but we don't know why

By Howard B. Owens

Wind power seems like a good thing -- clean, natural, a renewable energy source.

These days, who can be opposed to such benefits?

So why are people in Perry blocking -- and have been blocking for three years -- the construction of a wind farm in their town? Matt Suretl's story in today's Daily News doesn't tell us.

Surtell writes:"It often appears there's little middle ground between the most adamant supporters and opponents," yet he never gives much information on the pros and cons, as Perry residents see them.

This leave the impression that the opponents are nothing more than unapologetic NIMBYs.

My only experience with wind turbines comes from often driving past the majestic, earth-saving machines in Tehachapi. From everything I heard while a resident of nearby Bakersfield, the people of Tehachapi consider the wind farm an asset -- but then it's a bit of a tourist attraction. There's no guarantee the people of Perry would be as fortunate.

Here's some related links:

What do you think? Should there be a wind farm in Perry?  Why or why not?

Note: Today's Daily News is available on new stands now. If you're not a subscriber, you can subscribe at


Office hours at Main Street Coffee -- Stop on By

By Howard B. Owens

From now until 5 p.m. or so, either Philip or I will be at the back table of Main Street Coffee.  Stop on by and have a cup of java on us. We would love to meet you.

Welcome to The Batavian

By Howard B. Owens

"Officially," today is the launch day of The Batavian.

That may not mean much; we've been up and running for a week and a half.  The only thing that has really changed from yesterday to today is that starting this morning we're running ads on WBTA.  (Ads start in the Pennysaver this week, as well).

You might be wondering, "what is this thing called The Batavian?"

It's an online news site. It's a community site. It's an information site.  It's an opinion site. It's an online place for Batavians to meet and share information, ideas and view points.

Our one paid staff member is Philip Anselmo.  His job is to keep tabs on Batavia, post interesting stuff and help host the conversations that take place on The Batavian.

Our goal is to create an oft-updated online site that Batavians appreciate and use frequently. We intend to be a part of the Batavia community for a long, long time.  If that happens, we will grow and we will hire.  Our intention is to hire people who live in and love Batavia.  Part of Philip's job is to help recruit his replacement. 

For too long, community newspapers have lost their way because they are often staffed by people who don't feel they have a long-term stake in the community.  The best and brightest reporters and editors eventually move on to better paying jobs in bigger cities.

We want The Batavian to be different.  We want to find good reporters who understand our content strategy and who would enjoy covering Batavia for many, many years.

What is our content strategy?  Simply put, to use the Web the way it was intended.

We write in a personal voice. We share about who we are and what interests us.  A common myth about the Internet is that it depersonalizes human interaction.  People who use the Web often know this isn't true.  Web communication is more personal, more human. 

You won't see us refer to this site as a "virtual community" (a term common for sites like this a few years ago).  There is nothing virtual about online communities.  Online communities are just as real as anything that happens offline, because the friendships and alliances formed, the tasks accomplished and the good done are just as real as anything that happens on Main Street, a board room or in a Rotary meeting.

Of course, when you start using personal pronouns, you'll likely stray into the area of sharing your own opinions.

In old-school journalism, expressing opinions is a sin. In online journalism, it's a virtue.

American's distrust of the media is at an all-time high.  A big reason for this distrust, we believe, is that reporters and editors often boast of their objectivity and lack of bias, but we all know that objectivity is impossible and bias is the natural human state.

American journalism often puts on a false front of objectivity, but every reporter and editor comes to a story and its set of facts with a specific mindset, a specific context.

Facts do not mean much outside of context, and context is always subjective. That's why two groups of people can have completely different views on what facts in a particular narrative are important, and which facts can be ignored.  The debates around the Iraq War illustrate perfectly how facts can mean different things to different people, and also how different contexts can cause some people to believe things other people are convinced are not true.

We believe a more honest form of journalism is to let you know what our context is as part of our coverage.  Rather than pretend to be objective (which, again, is impossible in the common journalistic meaning), we'll share our opinions when we have them (not that we will always have them on every story).

When we don't know something, or don't understand, we'll admit it and ask for your input and help.  We've already seen an example of how this works on last Tuesday's Daily News Roundup.  Philip had questions about a story, and Council President Charlie Mallow jumped in with answers.

That's a new kind of journalism, but one we believe is much more effective in serving a community and more benefitical to civic discourse and democracy.

We ask of ourselves and everybody who participates in this site:

  • Honesty in identity and context (please register with your real name, or with your organizational name if representing a group of people)
  • Accuracy in the facts and representations
  • An abhorance for personal attacks — no name calling, please
  • Value and seek truth
  • Give credit where credit is due (we always cite our sources, and if possible, link to those sources).

We hope that you value The Batavian and visit the site often.  We promise to work hard to keep the site updated frequently with the latest news and information.  We will do our best to keep the conversation civil.

We have many new features coming — before long, you will be able to set up your own blog on The Batavian — so keep in eye out for updates and new additions to the site.

You can also help to promote The Batavian

  • If you have a Web site, link to us. 
  • If you have a blog, please tell us about it and link and comment on our posts. 
  • E-mail all of your friends and associates who would find value in The Batavian and let them know about the site.
  • Register and leave comments.  The more conversation, the better for everybody.
  • Include a notice about The Batavian in your school, organization or business newsletter (please).

The more voices heard on The Batavian, the more useful the conversations will be to Batavia.

BTW: If you don't know what a blog is — blog is short for "Web log." It's both an online publishing platform (just a tool, or technology), but also a mindset about how to communicate online.  Posts appear when the blogger has something to say (no deadlines), often (but not always) contain opinion, are written in a personal voice, appear in reverse chronological order and rely on links with other Web sites to facilitate conversation.  If you don't have a blog and want one, and don't want to wait for The Batavian to make one available to you, visit, where you can set up a blog for free — just let us know about it when you've got it going.

A word about news tips:  Soon, we'll have a way for you to submit your own news, or tips, on this web site.  In the mean time, send your tips to philip (at) the (oneword) batavian dot com.

Philip will post something later today introducing himself.

Young woman born in Batavia searching for birth family

By Howard B. Owens

Posted on a genealogy site:

I am searching for my birth family. I was born July 3 1979 in Batavia, New York. I was born at Genesee United Memorial Hospital in Batavia. I was a ward of the state until adopted at 3 months old. I am a 28 year old female with blonde hair and blue eyes. I grew up in Batavia and now live in Buffalo. I have many health problems. I had cervical cancer, I have Von Willebrand's (a bleeding disorder) and more. I am searching for my birth family - anyone who might still be around.

If you can help,  contact Megan at the link above.

WBTA sponsoring National Anthem singing content

By Howard B. Owens

Wouldn't it be cool to sing the National Anthem prior to a professional baseball game?

Well, here's your chance to see if your rendition  more closely matches Whtiney Houston or Roseanne Barr (warning, you really don't want to click that link unless you're completely deaf).

WBTA is sponsoring a contest that will allow the winner to sing the Anthem prior to the July 4 Muckdogs game. (More info: Last item in the April 28 news update.)

The auditions are at Noon on Saturday, May 17.  We're not clear on the location, but we think at Dwyer Stadium.

Speaking of WBTA --  previously we reminded you about their Saturday auction.  No online word on who won what items (if you won something, leave a comment), but the site says there is another auction June 6.  Why is this important? Because everybody loves an auction!

Video of Batavia fire department

By Howard B. Owens

The title of the video says it's from 2007, but it was uploaded just yesterday. It looks like it's coverage of a training exercise. 

Margarita's gets more blogger kudos

By Howard B. Owens

Recently, we did a post in praise of Margarita's carne sada tacos.

Today, we come across the blog post of a traveler who stopped in Batavia and found herself at Margarita's.

So you look through the list, and you think about a few things. You think about the fact that you're wearing your Patriots jersey still, and whether or not you want to walk into a sports bar in New York. You think about the notion that your husband is from Dublin, and whether or not you want to know what an Upstate Irish Pub might turn out to look like. You think about whether you ever, ever, ever again want to eat at Applebee's.

Then you take a deep breath, and you go to Margarita's.

And do you know where it turns out you can get the best Mexican food north of the Rio Grande?

Batavia, New York.

Who would'a thunk it?

Well, I'm not sure I'd go that far.  There's a lot of land immediately north of the Rio Grande and it's well populated with Mexicans.  Though, Margarita's darn good and we'll probably have our launch party there Thursday.


R-News catches up with 1950s Batavia football star

By Howard B. Owens

R-News has an interesting piece about Don Bosseler today.

Bosseler attended Batavia High School in the 1950s, and in 1957 he was a first-round draft pick of the Washington Redskins.  R-News says that makes him the highest ever NFL draft pick from the Rochester area.

"It was one of the better classes I can remember," says Bosseler of the 1957 draft. The facts back that up.

1957 produced nine Pro Football Hall of Famers. Paul Hornung, Len Dawson, Jim Brown and Jim Parker were taken before Bosseler; Tommy McDonald, Sonny Jurgensen, Henry Jordan, Don Maynard and Gene Hickerson afterwards.


Bosseler was no slouch. He played eight seasons for the Redskins and retired in 1964 as the franchise leader in rushing yards.

Bosseler was on the "70 Greatest Redskins" list celebrating the team's 70th anniversary in 2002. Don knew the game. He had to, rooming with the likes of Don Shula, Joe Walton and Tom Osborne.

According to Pro-Football Reference, Bosseler scored 23 touch downs (22 rushing) in his career.  His best season was probably his rookie year when he scored 7 times and gained 673 yards.


Muckdogs have radio home on WBTA

By Howard B. Owens

WBTA will broadcast all 38 home games for the Batavia Muckdogs this season, the local radio station announced this morning (the station's web site doesn't offer permalinks, so eventually that announcement will scroll down and off the page ... for anybody who finds this item weeks from now).

The station will also broadcast some away games. Wayne Fuller will handle play-by-play.

Memorial Medical Center announces Spring Gala.

By Howard B. Owens

Via the Buffalo News:

The third annual Spring Gala, a major fundraiser for United Memorial Medical Center, will be held starting at 6:30 p. m. Saturday in the Hampton Inn’s Ambassador Banquet and Conference Center on Commerce Drive.

This is a black-tie event sponsored by the United Memorial Foundation, St. Jerome Foundation, the Jerome League and the UMMC League.

The Buffalo News item includes no information on cost or if tickets can still be purchased or where (we presume there are tickets that cost money -- they expect to raise $50,000).

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