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Batavia Improvement Shopping Entertainment

What makes you leave Batavia?

By Tiffany Barber

The article about the consultant the city hired to tell them what they needed to do has me wanting to ask the residents a question I posed almost two years ago.

That post received about 90 responses and I'm hoping this one will too. 

Without turning this into a Batavia bashing session I am curious why you feel you need to leave Batavia? By this I do not mean why did you move away or why are you considering moving away. What do you leave to do? You might leave to go to work. You might leave to go see a movie, or go clothes shopping. Maybe you leave to get your hair done or maybe you leave to go for a hike.

Next we need to know WHY you don't accomplish these tasks in Batavia. We know there is a movie theater in Batavia, there are also jobs in Batavia, there are restaurans and salons etc. So what is it about the ones IN Batavia that don't meet your needs.

Maybe if we get a little specific and the right people read these comments we might just get what we've wanted all along and have been leaving Batavia to get. Or at least spark interest in some ideas.

Just a thought.

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