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Tenney introduces more opportunities for Moms to Succeed Act

By Press Release

Press Release:

File photo of 
Claudia Tenney.

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) joined Congresswoman Michelle Fischbach (MN-07) in introducing the More Opportunities for Moms to Succeed (MOMS) Act. The act provides critical support to new moms during and after their pregnancy, empowering women to choose life and raise happy, healthy babies.

The bill was cosponsored by Representatives Diana Harshbarger (TN-01), Ashley Hinson (IA-02), and Doug Lamborn (CO-05).

“The right to life is one of the most fundamental principles outlined in our Constitution,” said Congresswoman Tenney. “We must provide pregnant women with the vital resources and critical support they need to choose life. Following the second anniversary of the monumental Dobbs Decision, I am honored to join my colleague Rep. Fischbach in leading the MOMS Act, which ensures that mothers receive the physical, emotional, and financial support necessary to carry their pregnancies to term. We must empower expecting mothers to choose life and support pregnant women, new mothers, and both their unborn and born babies.”

"Many women feel unprepared when they get pregnant, and I am committed to empowering all women and ensuring they feel supported in choosing life," said Congresswoman Fischbach. "The MOMS Act supports women before, during, and after they give birth, improving access to resources and making sure women have all the resources at their fingertips to help them confidently carry to term and raise their child. I am so proud to support legislation that supports new mothers and their children."

“I am pleased to co-lead the More Opportunities for Moms to Succeed Act,” said Congressman Lamborn. “This legislation aims to enhance health, education, and support services for babies, mothers, and families by offering alternatives to abortions. It mandates that states enforce child support responsibilities from conception through pregnancy, retroactively if necessary, with proof of parenthood. Additionally, the bill incorporates provisions from my Good Standing Adoption Agencies Act to positively impact pregnant mothers and their babies during the adoption process. It underscores the commitment of pro-life and pro-family conservatives to supporting life and the well-being of nuclear families beyond birth."

“When a woman finds out she is pregnant, she should be surrounded with resources and support and feel confident in her access to care,” said Congresswoman Hinson. “I’m proud to co-lead the MOMS Act to help more women choose life, have a healthy pregnancy, and create the foundation for strong families. This legislation will save moms and babies and advance a culture of life of America.”

"No mother should ever feel left behind, unsupported, or be fearful for the future of their child," said Congresswoman Harshbarger. "The MOMS Act will help ensure that mothers have the help and resources they need before, during, and after pregnancy, enabling them and their families to thrive. I am proud to help introduce this legislation to increase access to care for expecting mothers and their children and promote life as the clear choice for our future families."

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