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Democrat meet and greet draws a crowd

By Philip Anselmo

Party supporters packed into the Democratic headquarters last night in the Genesee Country Mall. They came for signs. They came for cider. They came to meet their candidates.

I was there to meet some of the candidates, too, though I was mostly hoping to run into Alice Kryzan. Unfortunately, the congressional candidate wasn't expected to arrive until sometime around 6:30pm due to a plane delay—the event started at 5:00pm—and I had to head out before then.

No matter. I had a chance to chat with a couple other candidates.

Larry Stabell is running to keep his seat as judge for the town of Darien. Stabell told me that his work with the department of corrections made him interested in the position and capable of doing it well.

We soon got to talking about what's going on out in Darien. Stabell told me that the town is currently facing a problem with its school districts: it's got four of them, none of which are in Darien. All the school kids are going in different directions, he said. This in a town where the population is maybe 3,200.

Darien used to be a farming community, he said. But it has since become "somewhat of a bedroom community for Rochester and Buffalo." The town has about 10 to 15 new homes going up every year, and is down to maybe eight or nine full-time farmers.

Of course, they've got Darien Lake Theme Park, which means that at any given time, you could have ten times the population of the town packed in there, and those folks "come out to have a good time," he said. That's the prime reason why the judge in Darien never wants for work, in the summer months especially.

I also had a few minutes to chat with Le Roy Councilman Tom Stella, who is also running to keep his seat. Stella told me that things have been pretty quiet in Le Roy over the past few months. Most of the major projects have gone through, including the Walgreen's and the Wal-Mart. What they'll be looking at next is something called the Farmland Protection Program, which would allow landowners—farmers in particular, but not exclusively—to get their land placed on a protection list that would say it could only be used for farming, never for development.

Should be interesting to see how that plays out.

Daniel Jones

Wow, its great that the Batavian came out and covered this, I heard that over 150 people came out to see Joe Mesi and Alice Kryzan, people had to spill out into the hallway, great news for Democracy and the Democratic Party!

On another note, the Daily News actually refused to cover this, while 150 people came out to see two candidates for the most hotly contested races in New York, our own newspaper chose not to cover it, I have to wonder why. Bias?

Perhaps we should send some emails out to the news directors and publishing editors,, and

Thank you to The Batavian for being an actually unbiased news source.

Oct 17, 2008, 3:24pm Permalink
Gabor Deutsch

Yeah Daniel you got that right. I wonder why they didnt cover it but if i express my opinion why then i will make enemies. Hmmm makes ya wonder what and whom runs the paper. Thank Goodness for the batavian.

Oct 17, 2008, 5:03pm Permalink
Russ Stresing

Our local newspaper here in Batavia, The Daily News, was notified of a "Meet and Greet" with local Democratic candidates at our local headquarters. Two of the most hotly contested races in all of New York are for the 61st State Senate and for the 26th Congressional District. These races are evidently of great interest, judging by The Daily News' previous coverage. The Daily News featured a front page story about the opening of the local Republican headquarters. However, when it came to covering the same sort of event at the Democratic HQ.....crickets chirping.

The Daily News made the <b>calculated</b> decision not to send a reporter to cover an event that was attended by over 200 people. They chose <b>not</b> to send a reporter to an event that has state-wide and national ramifications. They chose <b>not</b> to present this event to the public eye.

Were they covering breaking news that overshadowed this event? You judge. The front page had a picture of a minor league baseball trophy presentation. It had a picture and a story about comical speeding signs. It would take the most generous and charitable of people to believe that this wasn't a deliberate move to influence local voting.

We've seen the unabashed embrace of extremism and fear-mongering at the national level. It appears we're seeing the subtle evil of "editorializing" at the local level here in Genesee County. I challenge The Daily News to print this letter.

Is this how we want to be seen? Local yokels whose most widely-read publication decides which party they favor? Do Batavia and Genesee County occupy some sort of science-fiction-inspired isolation chamber in New York? Our local newspaper sends a reporter and photographer to cover funny speeding signs, but can't extend the same sort of coverage to crucial election issues. These sort of 'journalistic' decisions make us look backward and oblivious.

I look forward to a response from the editorial board.

Send your inquiries to:

Oct 17, 2008, 6:40pm Permalink
Howard B. Owens

I think it's all great that you recognized that we gave space to this event and, apparently, the Daily News did not.

After a couple of decades in the news business, I know many partisans are quick to point at a daily newspaper with cries of bias when their candidates don't get -- from their perceptions, at least -- fair coverage.

In this case, if the Daily just neglected to cover the event at all, after covering the GOP event, that's a case that certainly offers concrete facts to an accusation of uneven coverage.

But bias? I would be slow to make that charge. So much depends, when a news staff is overstretched already, on who is available for what and when. It's quite conceivable that whomever the editors at the Daily deem as qualified to cover such an event, those reporters simply were not available.

Publishers almost never, these days, get involved in such decisions, so it all comes down an editor making a decision based on staff availability and priorities.

That said, while the Daily seems to have more than a dozen full-time editorial staffers, we have just two (Philip and Brian) and we managed to have somebody at the event. (On the other hand, there is much we don't cover because of the smaller staff, and follow the Daily or WBTA on those stories).

What I'm getting at, I'd be slow to suspect bias and suspect more strongly just a failure to properly put the event in the proper context when deciding priorities that day's coverage -- not out of malice, but out of hastily considered alternatives.

Still, when you're complaining to the Daily about the lack of coverage, don't forget to mention The Batavian and Philip's outstanding coverage :).

Oct 17, 2008, 9:45pm Permalink
Bea McManis

It comes as no surprise that the Daily News would not cover this.
Quite possibly it was an oversight when assigning available resources, however, the News rarely backs any Democrat in a national election.
Simply put, it is what it is.

Oct 18, 2008, 8:38pm Permalink
Jake Horner

I can't stand Democratic Viewpoints. Just look at Hilary Clinton. What a joke. She has done nothing for the people of New York. Heck, she isn't even from New York. And look who has been elected President.

Never underestimate the stupidity of the American voter.

Dec 13, 2008, 8:22pm Permalink
Jake Horner

My guy didn't even run. Rudy G was my guy.

And my "Democratic viewpoints" that I do not care for are their views on the War on Terror. They want to pull out, fact is, we will not pull out. It just doesn't work that way. Besides, if you don't want to be in there then why did you vote to go in there in 2001?

I also do not care for the enormous government aid that they wish to provide. Now I fully understand that there are people who need it. I personally know many. However, these people should do something for themselves. I mean, it isn't right for us who work to have to pay for people who aren't even trying to find a job. Some limitations should be made so that it is fair for everyone.

Dec 13, 2008, 8:34pm Permalink
Daniel Jones

Jake, are you aware that the welfare reform that was passed in the 1990s included work for benefit programs that forced many recipients to find jobs or do temporary work? Are you also aware that most of the Obama economic plan doesn't call for "socialized medicine" but for eliminating conditions, negotiating plans and adding price controls, thus not adding this "massive bureaucracy" that is so constantly feared.

As far as the War on Terror is concerned, we're fighting the battle using losing methods. The American military has to force the Iraqis take control of their own government, we've taken them as far as we can. Security situations change and our actions must change with the situation, its the only way to win a military conflict. Meanwhile, the group that attacked us (Al-Qaeida) is still a menacing force along the Pakistani border. We need to shift our focus to defeat terrorists.

Rudy was a joke, there was no way that a pro-choice, pro-gay rights, thrice-divorced man with an estranged section of his family and plenty of non-personal controversies was ever going to win the nomination.

Dec 13, 2008, 8:46pm Permalink
Russ Stresing

Ok, Jake, first of all, "terror" is not an enemy nor an entity. Its a tactic. You can't have a war against a tactic.

As far as wanting to pull out, where are they pulling out of? Iraq? Afghanistan? India? Pakistan? Philippines? People who are sold on fighting some ghostly 'terror-nation' don't understand the enemy. Buying into some vague notion that we can mount a unilateral military mission against 'terrorists' is just an ill-informed reaction to fear mongering.

Dec 13, 2008, 8:44pm Permalink
Jake Horner

This War is our generation's Vietnam. We are being berated by the media, who seems to think it their duty to make this country look bad, no matter what the cost. And yes you can fight a tactic- its called strategy. I am not going to discuss tactics of the military though because I highly doubt any of us are commanding officers in the military. I will let them do their job without my interference.

And Dan, why should it matter if Rudy has had divorces? Last time I checked, it happens daily. It means absolutely nothing about his leadership qualities. Same goes with his family situation. That is just a cheap personall attack on him.

Dec 13, 2008, 8:56pm Permalink
Daniel Jones

Whether it's cheap or personal or not is beside the point, he was still running in a party that chastised Clinton for having an affair...did you honestly think that the religious right was going to let their party be led by this guy?

The brave men and women are serving their country, I have never objected to them, but no strategy is above evaluation. I refuse to have my patriotism questioned because I don't believe that our current strategy is working, questioning anyone's patriotism for doing that is un-American. It severely backfired this time.

Questioning that which we disagree on is patriotic, its using the freedoms that our constitution grants us.....and, still support the troops by giving them a strategy that works, being proud of our flag and celebrating the 4th of July.

Dec 13, 2008, 9:04pm Permalink
Jake Horner

How is it beside to point? And as for the Clinton affair, that was different because it was more than just the deal with Monica that Bill did that was bad. For example- the people of New York state pay for Clinton's house and land taxes. He makes the Secret Service pay a rent for the shack they occupy on his land and said rent is equal to his taxes. AND, he sold our military secrets to other countries. Do you not understand that this guy is bad for the US?

Dec 13, 2008, 9:15pm Permalink
Daniel Jones

As opposed to the Bush administration tying up over 700 billion dollars to the Saudi economy? How about Halliburton profiteering off of huge contracts? What about leaking the name of a CIA agent to the press for retribution? I'll take Clinton's downsides and place his agenda and administration over Bush's any day of the week. The people of the country pay for his office space, just like they do for every single former President.

I understand what has happened in the past 16 years, 8 years were better than the others. Clinton was a good President, Bush was manipulative and lied about matters of real national security, not his sex life or personal affairs.

Chinagate? Ha! How boring, find something better.

Dec 13, 2008, 9:24pm Permalink
Jake Horner

I am done trying to reason with you. Its obvious that you do not, nor will ever understand the difference between right and wrong. If you have any other concerns, why don't you take them up with your local legislature. I'm sure they will be more than happy to help you

Dec 13, 2008, 9:38pm Permalink
Daniel Jones

Jake, this isn't the place where you get to have your pontifical rants and question the patriotism of those who disagree with you and get away with it, go to one of your nutty right-wing forums to do that.

Good day.

Dec 13, 2008, 9:41pm Permalink
Jake Horner

I appreciate your wishing me a good day so I hate to inform you that contrary to popular belief, it is in fact night time and therefore- not day. And I would appreciate it if you would call me names. I thought you were above that...

Dec 13, 2008, 9:48pm Permalink
Daniel Jones

A day is meant to be a 24 hour span, I wished you good luck and happiness for the last 2 hours and 56 minutes that comprise the rest of the day, but what the heck, I might as well wish you a good next 24 hours as well, therefore I am wishing you good luck and happiness for the next 26 hours and 56 minutes.

I didn't call you a name, either, but your assertion that everyone who disagrees with you doesn't know the difference between right and wrong is as funny as it is desperate, come on man, surly you can do better.

Dec 13, 2008, 9:57pm Permalink
Robert Harding


Tell me: What exactly are your Republican viewpoints and/or principles? You might say "I can't stand Democratic viewpoints" but I'm not one to say that "I can't stand Republican viewpoints." I actually can stand them. It is called tolerance.

Republicans have failed to win in the last two elections (2006 and 2008) because they have failed to deliver a true message of change and a message of America. Just look at recent events in the U.S. Senate. You have prominent Republican senators saying that they do not want to help automakers who employ many working class people but these same senators were the ones that voted for the Treasury bailout that is being dispersed to banks and financial institutions throughout the country.

Republicans have lost their way because they spend more time attacking Democrats than they do telling people what they are all about. Telling voters "the Democrats are bad" isn't a platform. That's not going to get you elected.

Remember when George W. Bush said he wanted to be a uniter and not a divider? He actually was a divider. Barack Obama is a "uniter." He might be a Democrat, but he is willing to bring in people from all parts of the country and people with different opinions to make decisions. That's what the United States of America should be all about.

Dec 13, 2008, 10:34pm Permalink
Howard B. Owens

Why do people make an issue of political parties? There is no virtue in being a Republican or a Democrat.

As Obama said, there is no red America. There is no blue America. There is only the United States of America.

But more than that, there is nothing more important than the community in which you live, and partisan politics should never enter into that.

Also, I'm trying to figure out what to do with people who register with just first name and last initial. We've let Tom G. do it, and now we're seeing more of it. People should provide a full identity.

But maybe we've gone too far down that path ...

Dec 13, 2008, 10:54pm Permalink
lazario Ladou

Democrat Republican is a game
an epic battle for geeks

Will obama bring change?

Or is it simply fortuitous timing
coinciding with the change people -common, ordinary people- have made or will make

Give the difference between a democratic/republican "viewpoint"
What are their goals?
I don't think you can give opposites
They don't exist
People do exist
People do not fit into molds unless they make themselves take that shape

What is everyone about?
Why don't we find these things out here?
Let us do surveys forever
You will not find big differences
Game over I guess we won't

I don't "support our troops"
Do you support the bad guy troops?
What is the difference exactly?
What the hell does support mean in this context?
Seriously, I don't know
Don't care to know, really
I'm curious as to how people come up with these slogans
Support the troops

What do you have to support of theirs?
Cannot be the war or else you'd just say support the war
support the weight they carry
that's war, too
support their devotion
no, that's war
support their
I don't know. That sounds like support them with stuff to keep them alive which in war means to kill the enemy so
no, that's still war
...their psyche?
That sounds a bit like telling them to hide away from the war
that's OK, I guess
But no chance in hell of them doing that over there so still sounds like
Be brave, don't internalize your killing of the enemy ..which is
No, still the war
support them by
No, I don't know

How do we support troops without supporting "their" troops and the war in which they fight

If we truly ONLY "support the troops"
We should just bring them home immediately
Anyone who wants to come home comes home
If we support troops we should their troops as well
That's the kind thing to do we all being humans
Give em whatever they need to survive
education, pats on the back, campfires, mall, clothing, MTV, Burger King Whoppers


Dec 14, 2008, 1:01am Permalink
C. M. Barons

Every country on the globe has terrorists. The United States has terrorists. Terrorists come in all colors, sizes, genders and causes. The bullies that drag black men behind trucks and beat gay teenagers to death- they are terrorists. You cannot fight terrorism with conventional warfare. We should have learned that lesson in Vietnam (that was a guerilla war). Actually, we've known about unconventional warfare since 1776; that's how we beat the British. No doubt King George described the Founding Fathers as terrorists. You cannot distinguish a terrorist from a non-terrorist. They wear no uniforms. They have no distinguishing features. They depend on invisibility to succeed.
You DEFEND against terrorism. You improve airport security. You monitor the activities of Visa-holders. You bolster the training, procedures and technology available to local law enforcement. You SHARE intelligence.
You do not go off half-cocked into someone else's country and kill civilians. That's how you create terrorists.
It is clear that few of our so-called Secretaries of Defense understand the difference between Offense and Defense.

Dec 14, 2008, 1:40am Permalink
Charlie Mallow

Howard, the question about names is easy. What kind of site do you want? One filled with cheap shot comments or real people speaking to real people. I won't respond to people who don't use their name because, they refuse to stand behind their own words. It's easy to be a jerk when no one knows who you are.

Dec 14, 2008, 7:38am Permalink
Jerome Grasso

Poor Jake ran into a a big ol' pile of trouble! Go easy on him guys!
Jake: I hear ya! Just make sure you have all your facts in line or these guys will eat you up. Do not be intimidated away from this site because your views are to the right. The guys that run it are fair and unbiased and will let you have your say. You have the right to your opinion. Just back up your arguements.
Jake: hopefully this will cheer you up. In the last election, not a single dem. candidate won in Genesee County. As well, out of 18 elected county positions, 17 are republican.

Dec 14, 2008, 6:34am Permalink
John Roach

A guy who can not figure out "have a good day" is never going to understand your point of view.

As you know, I don;'t agree with you on most issues, but at least you can state your points in a clear logical manner so that we know what they are. He just can not do it.

Dec 14, 2008, 10:14am Permalink
lazario Ladou

For someone who cannot see the obvious behind "good day"
you sure claim to be really smart a lot
You just did again

He did not say please have a good day how is your mom take care you're beautiful never change

Names do not give a person credibility

Dec 14, 2008, 11:19pm Permalink

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