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Damp weather changes the venue as Batavia Concert Band celebrates 100 years on opening night

By Joanne Beck
Batavia Concert Band celebrated 100 years with opening night at GCC due to inclement weather in centennial park.  Photo by Steve Ognibene
Batavia Concert Band celebrates 100 years with an opening night at GCC's Stuart Steiner Theatre in Batavia due to inclement weather Wednesday evening.
Photo by Steve Ognibene

Guest speakers and proclamations punctuated an evening filled with what Batavia Concert Band has been doing for the last century: entertaining local citizens with its live and toe-tapping music.

City Council President Eugene Jankowski Jr. presented the group -- representative of all those dedicated musicians that came before them since 1924 -- with a proclamation praising the concert band for being one of the region's oldest continuously performing concert bands. The ensemble is made up of more than 60 instrumentalists from the brass, woodwind and percussion sections. 

Musicians range from high school students to 60-year-old veterans, Jankowski said, and City Council proudly recognized the group's achievements  and supports its purpose of "serving the community by creating music that's made by the people for the people."

"Now, therefore, on behalf of City Council and the city of Batavia, we do hereby recognize the Batavia Concert Band of the city of Batavia and congratulate them on their 100 year anniversary and extend our appreciation for your service and commitment to our community," he said.

The band has been sustainable, in part, thanks to funding from GO Art!, and the time and efforts of those musicians, Conductor John Bailey and Manager Jason Smith.

The concert band performs at 7 p.m. Wednesdays in Centennial Park unless bad weather moves it over to GCC.

To view or purchase photos, click here.

Proclamation by Steve Hawley was presented by his staff given to conductor Joshua Pacino  Photo by Steve Ognibene
A proclamation from state Assemblyman Steve Hawley was presented by his staff given to conductor Joshua Pacino.
Photo by Steve Ognibene
Proclamation by City of Batavia was presented by Eugene Jankowski given to conductor Joshua Pacino and general manager Jason Smith.  Photo by Steve Ognibene
Manager Jason Smith and Conductor Joshua Pacino flank City Council President Eugene Jankowski Jr., who holds a city proclamation.
Photo by Steve Ognibene
Dan Fisher, BCB Board President , Joanne Holota, BCB Board Member, Recipient of the Pam Frisby Friend of the Batavia Concert Band Award.  Patti Pacino representing the Pacino Family presenting the award.  Photo by Jason Smith
Dan Fischer, BCB board president, Joanne Holota, BCB board member and recipient of the Pam Frisby Friend of the Batavia Concert Band Award.  Patti Pacino represents the Pacino family in presenting the award.
Photo by Jason Smith   
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
Music in the Park 100 year celebration stickers will be for sale during each week Batavia Concert band performs.  Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene

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