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Today's Poll: What is your favorite time of year?

By Howard B. Owens
Bob Harker

My favorite day of the year is that 1 particular day that you're driving down the road and notice "Wow! Things are turning green!"

Just the opposite is true in the fall when "pretty" colors appear.

Right now is OK, 'cause spring is on its way!

Nov 29, 2013, 6:30pm Permalink
John Simmons

Well seein' as how NY only has two seasons I'd have to say construction .. It is warm & sunny & you can get cooler by taking a dip in the lakes that abound NYState & everything in my life is geared around good weather & the other season really sucks canal water too. Yup THE two seasons are & always will be just Winter & Construction & neer' the twain shall meet!

Nov 30, 2013, 2:47am Permalink

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