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Today's Poll: Is society cruder than it used to be?

By Howard B. Owens
John Woodworth JR

A child talking back disrespectful at parents, is worst.

Treatment of our elders, is worst.

Bullying is not just at school, it is everywhere technology can reach.

I believe social media and the breakdown of morals in our society have contributed greatly to such. Social media takes away our ability to understand personal interaction (Things stated do not get interrupt correctly. Voice tones are not present to help interrupt meanings). The morality of our society has turned a blind eye, has place blame incorrectly and has forced society to accept immorality as the new normal.

Oct 14, 2013, 5:01pm Permalink
Kyle Slocum

Our society has stopped enforcing common decency and respect for ourselves and others. We are getting the fruit of the seeds laid out by well meaning stupid people:

The BS that is "zero tolerance", "empowering" and "anti-bullying" programs teach antisocial lessons.

If you do what is right and proper, you will be punished for violating a blanket rule, the enforcers of which aren't allowed to use judgment or common sense in applying it.

If you think you are "oh so very special" because everyone around you is telling you so, how exactly do you identify areas where you need to improve and make an effort to be a better person?

If the bully is the actor of import in the campaigns against bullying, and you are not allowed to defend yourself from the bully (See "zero tolerance") don't anti-bullying programs actually teach that victimizing others is "empowering" and what you should be doing if you want to be something?

Sorry. That was rude. I left out a definition:

Stupid: Doing that which you know better than to do.

It has nothing to do with intelligence or education and everything to do with being human.

Oct 14, 2013, 7:49pm Permalink
John Woodworth JR

Kyle, remember the days of spankings? Did it ruin your self-esteem? Judging by the uniform you are wearing, I am guessing not. GOD forbid if, you spank your child, it will teach them violence is the way to get what you want and/or ruin their self-esteem. It is funny how there was less violence toward your fellow man when spankings was not view as a form of child abuse. Today both parents are usually working to put food on the table, clothes on their family's back and to put a shelter over their heads. There is no one to teach a child right from wrong. Babysitters cannot lay hands on a child for disciplinary actions. Parents removed the ability for school officials to discipline their child. Some parents are oblivious to their child’s behavior or believe their child is incapable of causing harm to another. We want to find fault with others or deny to ourselves that, our child has done wrong.

Plausible deniability and finding fault with others is the way of today’s society. Like I stated, today’s society has turn away from the moral fabric of our society. We force others to accept the moral breakdown of society and are made to believe that, immoral acts are not different but, normal. If, you disagree then you are branded as a bigot, hater, out of touch, etc…..

Look at our military today. When I went in the Drill Sergeants were able to get in your face, knock you down, single you out, swear at you, etc…. Now you cannot make a motion such as a knife chop because, it is too aggressive. Single out someone is frowned upon; do not touch the recruit because, it may ruin their self-esteem or be view as too aggressive. Basically, we are teaching tomorrow’s soldiers on how not to handle stress. This way when they go to battle they will know to run rather than fight. They know when to surrender rather than to die protecting their fellow soldiers or countrymen.

Oct 14, 2013, 10:19pm Permalink

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