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Today's Poll: Should Obama seek congressional approval for military action against ISIS?

By Howard B. Owens
Howard B. Owens

Dream on, buddy. So long as the Republicrats rule Congress it will never happen. It serves neither party's interest to insist on a Constitutional president because the party out of power in the WH doesn't want to limit the power of their guy once that party is back power.

Sep 12, 2014, 9:38am Permalink
C. M. Barons

Although I agree that certain military actions (our current set of euphemisms for 'war' are not definitive enough to allow more specificity) should not be conducted without congressional approval... Obama couldn't get approval from this Congress to mow the White House lawn. There hasn't been a declaration of war made by Congress since Rumania was declared our enemy in 1942. The incidence of military action at the discretion of the executive branch has largely circumvented the Constitution and War Powers Act of 1973 while providing ample precedent for future circumvention and debate concerning where proper authority lies.

Sep 12, 2014, 1:22pm Permalink
tom hunt

Howard, that is the same reasons we had in 1929 with Germany and the Nazi ruling party. Like it or not, we are the World's policeman.

Sep 13, 2014, 8:12am Permalink
Courtney Smith

The Constitution gives the president the authority for military action in times of crisis. The founders originally wanted to give Congress the authority to make war but then changed the wording to declare war because they knew that only the President would be able to act quickly enough. Congress is not equipped to handle any crisis. Imagine how long Congress would debate on how to handle ISIS. By the time a comprehensive plan is finalized by Congress ISIS will already have taken over more and more land. We need to attack ISIS now while it is still small enough to handle.

Sep 16, 2014, 7:06pm Permalink

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