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Today's Poll: Should Obama order air strikes against ISIS positions inside of Syria?

By Howard B. Owens
Bob Harker

David, so we should just accept terrorism and bury our heads in the sand hoping it will go away? Do we ignore the public - ADVERTISED - beheading of an innocent American citizen? Do we discount the fact that ISIS is actively and successfully recruiting our fellow citizens to help bring about our extinction? Do we allow an organized and well financed organization to just take over whatever parts of whatever countries they want?

Your statement that "we love killing people" is ridiculous and immature, directed at your fellow Americans that believe these things cannot go without immediate and definitive consequences simply because we disagree with you?

Maybe your cynicism and smart remarks should be directed at this administration whose head admitted they have no strategy at this late point in time. It was an American that was slain. The next day, David Cameron, British Prime Minister cut short his vacation to LEAD the investigation into the murderer's British accent. The French President immediately called for world leaders to convene to explore options to deal with this world threat. The American president continued golfing on Martha's Vineyard.

Aug 29, 2014, 6:49pm Permalink
Bea McManis
Brian Graz

C'mon folks when do we finally get our head out of our behinds. The US armed ISIS, just as it armed bin Laden! This BS of "an enemy of my enemy is my friend" doesn't work! We create these enemies, then when we go try and eliminate them we create a battle cry that brings even more to their fight. Endless war for endless peace???

The US needs to stop nation building... get OUT of the worlds civil wars... and stop trying to be the worlds policeman. Stop funding and supplying weapons to ALL foreign nations including Israel. Bring our military back home, secure our borders. If we need to fight with someone, go clean up the mess next door in Mexico.

Aug 29, 2014, 9:19pm Permalink
maryann valone

i hope i never regret saying this -as i want peace asap- there has never been nor will there be peace on earth till - the big change by mankind after almost insurmountable murder -chaos n carnage-it is scripture----so give Israel the guns n let them get rid of Isis n "get er done" -then get outta the war business n concentrate on rebuilding america first n then the planet n good will n aid ------not in arms but relief - to the usa and then all mankind and animals and restore faith-hope- clean living -a clean and pure earth--peace n good will among mankind-animals n the planet n no killing -even the death row executions--try that- i challenge -the world to start now -in this endevor

Aug 29, 2014, 11:23pm Permalink
Kyle Slocum

The reality is that ISIS rose to prominence and its current power because the West, including America, patted it on the head and told it to go on its merry way and stop bothering us.

The Arab Spring was glorious and wonderful? Benghazi is about a YouTube video causing a group of random people in the streets to launch a spontaneous, coordinated small arms and rocket assault upon a US government installation? Syrian Rebels are the good guys, with absolutely no ties to Islamist terrorist groups? No Status of Forces Agreement with Iraq: Hey, what could go wrong? Hamas is only sorta, kinda a terrorist organization which launches missiles from schools and hospitals? The West has Chamberlained its way into what may end up being World War Three.

ISIS wants me dead. It wants you dead. It wants your family dead. It is gobbling up territory as fast as it can, beheading innocents and inspiring like minded Islamists all around the world to join the cause of cleansing the world of infidels and bringing on the Apocalypse and the Twelfth Imam. Even that sick loner guy who committed "work place violence" at Fort Hood (and has no connection to Islamists whatsoever) wants to sign up with ISIS.

Ignore it, if you you don't care about civilization. It's only poor brown people getting killed at the moment, after all, not real people like your middle class American self. Except for the reporter guy, but you didn't actually know him, and he wasn't even a B-List celeb, so he doesn't really count as a real person, you know?

Maybe they will kill you last. You can keep telling yourself that, anyway. Besides, maybe your daughter will like being a warrior's bride. Maybe your son will like being a slave or beheaded. You never know, lifestyle choices and all. Musn't judge, that would be mean and cruel and fail to show proper respect for cultural diversity.

For the rest of us, I humbly suggest that we stop this evil perversion dead in its tracks, where it is, before we have to bury not only our soldiers, but our children and families here in America because of this fight. 9/11 is but a few days away and our entirely equal and morally equivalent friends, the Islamists, love anniversaries. With ISIS ascendant, maybe they will give us another present to show us how just much we need to convert or die.

A cancer is best caught and stopped early, our dear President has told us, and I have no compassion for cancer or evil men bent on the genocide of Western Civilization. Whether the President has the decisiveness to act or not, America must do so. Congress can declare war whether the President likes it or not. And they can Impeach him if he fails to fulfill his Oath of Office. You may want to make a few phone calls.

When they herd you into Dwyer Stadium to be beheaded as infidels who will not submit, remember that you had the chance, once upon a time, and you thought, NAAAWWW, that could never reach us here... That's just crazy talk. We are middle class Americans and we only need to worry about who is going to be on Dancing with the Stars next season.

Of, course the only reason you may be right in that naive belief is because the Constitution, which you have so many problems with, guarantees that your neighbors and the members of your family that you spend so much of your time hating, and denigrating, will have the means, and the will, to stop the oppression that ISIS wishes to visit upon you thanks to that very Constitution.

Aug 29, 2014, 11:54pm Permalink
Jack Dorf

Bea, I did look at their main web pages thoroughly. When I made my post neither CNN or MSNBC had that news on their main page. The link I posted had to do with their plans on coming across the Mexican border from information that was pulled of an ISIS laptop. The link you posted have a headline of Obama having no plan on what to do.

Tim, I hope your not one of those guys that watches the same network that gives Al Sharpton his own show. Real credible.

Aug 30, 2014, 9:44am Permalink
Bea McManis

Jack, no one has slammed your choice network viewing. Fox fits your comfort zone. For others, not so much. Credibility is, sometimes, in the eye of the beholder. Do you find all of the commentators on Fox credible? Sharpton, like most talking heads on tv, has an agenda. Do you deny him the freedom of expression that Hannity and others enjoy?
Brian, if you don't get rotational news from one of the alphabet networks, where do you get it? Just curious.

Aug 30, 2014, 10:57am Permalink
Frank Bartholomew

Kyle, great post, Americans need to understand these people, they don't care about life and death, they hate us, they want us and our way of life dead.

Aug 30, 2014, 11:00am Permalink
Jack Dorf

Bea, I don't watch Hannity or any other commentator that has an agenda. I make up my own mind on all the facts that are presented. Over time I found certain networks leave out all the details or don't show full clips on what people say to twist their words around to suit their network heads point of view. I found it hard over time to trust certain networks when they were caught lying, caught showing only snippets of what others have stated to make them look like liars, have fired commentators for remarks and out right lying. Your are wrong about not being slammed.

Tim stated "I was thinking "this guy is thinking straight!", until I saw the Fox News link. :-/"

Aug 30, 2014, 11:25am Permalink
Bob Harker

Brian, terrorism is not about civil war. Terrorism is about annihilation of all that disagree with Islam. It is about the complete destruction of Israel and the west.

Isis is not the "JV team" as this administration so ignorantly tried to feed us. They are well organized, well armed, well financed, and will not stop in their efforts to destroy us until they achieve that or are killed off.

They are already in our streets as their videos and pictures prove, most likely through Harry Reid's "secure" border.

I honestly believe that this is a matter of destroy or be destroyed. Yes, that's an ugly statement. Ugly but very true.

Aug 31, 2014, 9:16am Permalink
Tim Miller

Yep - I wrote it and meant it. FWIW, my guess is that Sharpton's show is on MSNBC - I don't know, because that guy stopped being relevant many years ago.

Like some here, I gather my news from many sources. Some are liberal leaning, some conservative. None owned or polluted by Murdoch.

Sep 1, 2014, 1:24pm Permalink
Jack Dorf

That was my whole point Tim. I watch and read a lot of different sites then form my own opinion. I don't judge someone by where they posted an article from. It's the content of the article that matters. I bet we see things the same on a lot of different topics. Did you read the article I posted?

Sep 1, 2014, 2:35pm Permalink
Tim Miller

No.... Fox getting something it is akin to a blind squirrel finding a nut...even if the article is right. I mean, even a broken clock is right twice each day...Fox does wirse than that.

Want me to read a news article? Post a link to a real source of journalism. Fox and it's affiliates (sadly, now including the Wall Street Journal) are simply Murdoch's PR arm. I give them the same level of integrity as a Madison Avenue firm.

Sep 1, 2014, 6:49pm Permalink
Brian Graz

Amazing the stupidity of US foreign policy... has everyone been brainwashed into forgetting the stability Iraq had until idiots like GW Bush and Cheney, Rumsfeld, McCain, etc lied us into attacking Saddam and the results has been constant slide into chaos.

"...the very equipment brought to Iraq by the U.S. is now being used by ISIS terrorists to attack the Kurds, who in turn will be armed by further shipments of American weaponry."

Sep 2, 2014, 1:09pm Permalink

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