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Ranzenhofer announces support for 'job creation plan'

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

With the State Budget now passed, jump starting New York's economy and getting people back to work are at the top of the to-do list. That’s why I voted for legislation today in the State Senate to implement the 2012 NEW JOBS-NY Job Creation Plan.

Every new job created helps the state’s economy, helps strengthen a community, and most importantly, helps a family improve its quality of life.  This comprehensive plan will help create thousands of new private sector jobs by delivering tax relief and reducing energy costs for small businesses and manufacturers.

Among the highlights of the 2012 NEW JOBS-NY Job Creation Plan are:

  • HIRE-NOW-NY Tax Incentive: New job-creating incentives to grant businesses a tax credit of up to $5,000 for each new job created; up to an $8,000 credit if the new job goes to someone on unemployment; up to a $10,000 credit if a business hires a returning military veteran.
  • 10 % Personal Income Tax Credit for Small Businesses: This tax cut would save 800,000 small businesses $80 million.
  • 20 % Corporate Tax Cut for Small Businesses: This cut in the corporate tax rate will save nearly 200,000 small businesses $49 million.
  • Reducing the Job-Killing Tax Burden on New York Manufacturers: The plan would spur creation of thousands of manufacturing jobs by dramatically reducing taxes on manufacturers over a three year period ($495 million in tax relief).

Over the last two years, we’ve enacted two fiscally responsible State Budgets that reduced spending, excluded any new taxes or fees, and enacted billions of dollars in tax cuts. The 2012 NEW JOBS-NY Job Creation Plan will build on this progress, create thousands of new jobs and help to ensure a brighter, stronger future for the Empire State.

Dave Olsen

Ah, yes another episode of "The Collapse of Complex Societies" .
Why does this have to be so damn complicated. Just stop charging people and companies tax on their hard-earned money. That'll get business rolling and people working again.

May 31, 2012, 2:02pm Permalink
C. M. Barons

Katzenjammer missed the boat on this. We need a job lottery! All the political patronage jobs like WNYROTB board, etc.; instead of giving these jobs to party bosses and cronies, hold a lottery and give a job to someone on unemployment! All you need do to win is register for NYS Unemployment Benefits. The job giveaways could make a big splash with politicians and professional models under TV lights selecting the winners- just like a LOTTO drawing. Instead of cash prizes, the winner gets a position on a board or agency with a great salary!


May 31, 2012, 2:17pm Permalink
Jeff Allen

I am beyond tired of politicians talking about job creation. Show me where it is a government role to create jobs (except their own). It is the role of government to get out of the way of job creation.

May 31, 2012, 4:20pm Permalink
Howard B. Owens

Gotta love the urban sophisticates mocking rural hicks. Always good for a laugh, right C.M.?

Dave, yeah, you're right, but I actually like bullet points one and two. I'm like, hey, a politician proposing something that I'll actually benefit from. What a novel concept (lots of politicians give lip service to helping small business, but their proposals actually usually do nothing).

Item three, only benefits small businesses that are C corps and most small businesses are LLCs, so not much meat on that bone.

Item four, I don't know enough about to say whether it's a real benefit or not.

In NYS, anything that actually helps SMBOs should get a check or two in the plus column.

May 31, 2012, 4:57pm Permalink
Dave Olsen

Howard, you know he'd never propose anything that would actually pass, he knows someone will tweak it and then when it doesn't work, he has an excuse. Just as the whole stinkin' lot of them do. Once again, blah, blah, blah.
Eliminate all income and business taxes, cut down the government and make all public employees truly accountable for their stewardship of our money. Privatize everything that can be possibly privatized. Proposing anything less is a waste of breath.

May 31, 2012, 6:04pm Permalink
Mark Brudz

Guys, Ranz didn't author or even co sponsor the bill he just voted for it,State Senator Catharine Young (R,C,I – Olean) And some state senator from CNY co-sponsored it and it was drafted by a committee that he isn't even on.

Dave, it did pass the state senate today by a wide margin

But I do so love privatizing as much of state and local government as possible

May 31, 2012, 8:47pm Permalink
C. M. Barons

You missed the point, Howard. The voters of Alabama didn't; they voted no on smug, cliched, pat, image-rich/substance-poor, trite bologna. Voters are more sophisticated than politicians give credit. Voters recognize brassy facades, huckster-designed and phony as snake oil. They see the shallowness and total absorption in cynical polarization. ...Demagogues pretending to know what's best and bearing answers for all the wrong questions. The tired, recycled drivel that preserved three decades of status quo political divisions pales in the wake of a middle class wilting in the burn of economic stagnation. Like played girlfriends, the electorate is beyond promises, chocolates and flowers; the winners (this time around) have to show up with a ring.

Jun 1, 2012, 4:07am Permalink
Mark Brudz

Good find Dave,

The truth is there is a huge difference between tax cuts and tax credits.

Tax cuts are permament, they allow for long range planning, tax credits on the other hand tend to be short term or sometimes just once.

I don't see the Senates bill doing very much at all as far as tax credits go, especially in light of new regulations and the health care law pending on the federal level.

Why would a small business person hire someone for a one time tax credit, when the next year, they are going to have to pay maybe twice that to be compliant.

The bottom line is that no business person with common sense is going to hire someone based on a tax credit if they do not have the business to support thier salary in the first place. It defies logic and good business sense

Jun 1, 2012, 1:56pm Permalink
Dave Olsen

The answer lies in putting more spending money in Everyone's pocket and keeping it away from government. Then people will have more to spend, business owners can invest in their businesses (hiring is one way) and entrepreneurs can take risks. Government programs will never help any of that to happen. End personal income and business taxing. Of course as long as we have a political elite class, 2 (same/same) party system and allow politicians to keep getting elected over and over again, they ain't going to kill the goose that lays those gold eggs. Sucks, completely.

Jun 1, 2012, 3:21pm Permalink

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