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Frank discussion among stakeholder group includes calls for personal connections, addressing implicit bias

By Howard B. Owens

There isn't much to change in Batavia PD policy, members of Batavia Police Stakeholders Group indicated at their bimonthly meeting on Thursday but that doesn't mean there shouldn't be a change in the relationship between the department and the community.

There should be more communication, less misunderstanding, and more personal interaction between police officers and members of the Black community so that both police officers and members of the community see each other as people and not just numbers and uniforms.

The stakeholder's group was formed in response to an executive order signed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo instructing every municipality with a police department to open a community dialogue about police policies, procedures and practices in an effort to reduce the incidences of police brutality.

There seems to be unanimous agreement on the committee that police brutality isn't an issue in Batavia. Chief Shawn Heubusch was praised for his presentation of the previous meetings outlining police department policies and procedures that already address proper police officer conduct.

No votes were taken, nothing committed being part of the final report that will go to the governor's office after being approved by the City Council, but there was an apparent agreement that some sort of ongoing focus group that would bring to light the concerns of Black residents about police conduct would be formed.

Committee member Anibal Soler Jr., superintendent of Batavia City Schools, said such a focus, however, needs to be constructed in a way that members of the Black community would feel safe to discuss issues. A police presence in the group might chill speech, he indicated.

Nathan Varland, Batavia Housing Authority director, referenced comments made earlier by Brandon Armstrong, a local business owner, and said perhaps a list of such concerns should be made so they can be addressed. He suggested the wider Black community be surveyed to gather other examples.

What Armstrong discussed was the perception -- if not the practice -- of Black residents being pulled over for minor traffic law infractions.

"We have to look at what's happening to people of color here in Batavia," Armstrong said. "It's not on the surface. There are just things that are used against us. There is a certain law, I think it's obstruction of view, if having something hanging from your rearview mirror. I've been pulled over for that for a Glade air freshener. It is illegal, but are they pulling over every single person who has a handicapped or air freshener thing on their rearview mirror? See, those things are used to target people of color to pull them over, to see what they have going on."

He said he's hearing from people visiting his barbershop that the latest tactic is people not using their signal within 50 feet of making a turn.

"People aren't looking at those but I know because I can ride down the street and within two minutes I can see about four people with something hanging from their rearview mirrors and they're not being pulled over," Armstrong said. "You see what I'm saying?"

In response to comments made early in the discussion by Raelene Christian about police being vilified and attacked, Greg Munroe said people misunderstand the concerns Black citizens have about the police.

"We have to stay on task," Munroe said. "Defunding the police does not mean we're not going to have a police department. It doesn't mean that at all. It's just defunding is a scary word. I understand but it's not. What it means is very simple. There are mental health issues that primarily happen in the Black community. Black people are targeted. It seems like they are targeted because they seem not to be understood. If the defunding, or whatever word you want to use, take that and help the police get more resources on how to deal with different situations, so things like what happens in the country do not happen."

There is a lot of misunderstanding, Victor Thomas said, about what Black concerns are about police.

"I just wanted to touch on what Greg was saying about Blacks being misunderstood," Thomas said. "I think that's a big part of it. The police brutality in Batavia doesn't happen as much as the Black people being misunderstood in Batavia."

Matt Wojtaszczyk, a detective with Batavia PD but on the committee representing the Batavia Police Benevolent Association, told members police officers want to know how to do their jobs better and connect better with community members.

"Whenever someone asks us to do an event, we really try to make an effort to do so," Wojtaszczyk said. "What else can we do? What are some other ideas out there? What else can we do to reach our minority communities? What can we do better? Tell us, because I think we really want to. We truly do."

Thomas's answer was: Get to know people.

"It's really a personal thing that has to happen between the Blacks and the police officers," Thomas said. "The police have to show these Blacks that they're not just a number in Batavia. They're not just a sentence getting ready to get slapped down on a judge's desk and sent up the road for years. The Black community feels that way deeply in Batavia."

It's that kind of distrust, Soler noted, that would make a focus group that included police officers potentially less productive. However, he said, both Blacks and police officers, as well as community members, need to work on themselves as well, educate themselves about each other. He suggested a number of documentaries and books both sides could watch or read.

Both Munroe and Soler noted it was kind of eye-opening to hear Heubusch talk at the first meeting about the arrest process and the fact that when a police officer tells someone they're under arrest, the conversation is over. It's time to comply with the officer's orders.

Munroe said he's had the same conversation with members of the Black community since that meeting and they all the same response he had, that they didn't know that.

"One thing that I learned from the chief was, man, once a police officer tells you those things, game over, you have to comply," Soler said. "Once you're told you are being put under arrest, that's it. Our community doesn't understand it. That's work we've got to do in our community of color. Once the police officer's -- 'I'm now placing you under arrest. You can't go. 'Now, wait a minute. Let's talk about it.' It's already too late. To Raelene's point, then you've got to go to court and go through through the process.

"We don't get taught that. We're taught, you know, 'I'm going to fight. I'm going to keep fighting until I can get my say. Then it becomes that we've put our officers sometimes in these really tough positions. But I just want to make sure that our police officers are really checking their own implicit bias in terms of trying to keep themselves educated, trying to understand some of these stories and narratives."

The topic of implicit bias came up several times during the evening's discussion.

The open dialogue started with Christian raising the issue of police being attacked in recent years. 

"I'm also concerned with minorities and how they're treated as well," Christian said. "I'm also concerned about how everyone is treated as a whole. But who I'm really concerned with a lot of times as our police officers, they're being vilified. They're being shot execution-style. 

In a long opening remark, she added, "The mainstream media doesn't tell you about all the unarmed white men that are shot. It happens. And I'm not saying it's right. And what happened to George Floyd, let me just be clear, was egregious. It was disgusting and despicable. And our police officers, most of them, I would say 99 percent of them agree with what happened to George Floyd was despicable and a disgrace. And Derek Chauvin, the police officer, did that, killed him. And I know he killed him because he did. He deserves to spend the rest of his life in jail and prison period. But I also feel like our police, they're being vilified and our police are being brutalized. Molotov cocktails are being thrown at them. They're being shot at. They're being shot execution-style, and there's no provocation for that. "

Later she added, "There's a broader picture here that, you know, yes, we can address police brutality. Does it happen? Yes. And is it going to continue to happen? Yes."

Her remarks elicited a calm response from several other committee members, among the more pointed from Director of Mental Health Service Lynda Battaglia, "I want to say to that -- this is the entire point of this meeting. It is the entire point of the executive order to end police brutality, so to say. Will it continue? Yes. Is unacceptable. It has to stop."

Munroe said, "This group was put together because of police brutality, period."

After addressing Christian directly, Soler said, "The reality is an implicit bias that many people who don't have a choice of how they look every morning when they wake up (deal with). I think Victor made a good point. Police choose to wear a blue uniform that, you know, historically has been designed to keep order and guidance in a community. Black people just wake up. Unfortunately, their communities are often the most targeted for patrols, for a variety of things to do, commingle with socioeconomic status. And so some of the comments that were made show your implicit bias. You don't really realize it."

W/hen next she had a chance to speak, Christian told Soler she wasn't biased and she took exception to being judged.

Soler apologized.

"I just want to be real quick and apologize again," Soler said. "If you think I was passing judgment, I was just more commenting on the overall feedback that was provided. So I apologize if you think I made a judgment. You're right, I don't know you. I was just trying to comment on this. I want to make sure we're clear that I'm not judging you at all. I just wanted to point out implicit bias is not something you necessarily know you have. That's why it's implicit."

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