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Chief Dibble says underage drinking is significant problem at concerts

By Howard B. Owens

WBTA interviewed Deputy Chief Gordon Dibble about underage drinking enforcement at Darien Lake concerts.

It's almost as if he's been reading comments on The Batavian, addressing the suggestion by some that being under 21 and having a beer or two isn't a serious issue.

"I think underage drinking is, (but) on its surface people would say, 'it's no big deal kids having a few beers,'" said Dibble. "That's not what we're seeing on the law enforcement side. We're seeing people that are drinking underage for one thing, but drinking excessive amounts of alcohol and it's directly affecting their behavior to the point where they're getting arrested, they're getting injured and at these concerts. They get lost, they get disconnected -- there are too many opportunities to get hurt when they get drunk, especially to the extent that we're seeing." (Listen)

Also, WBTA reports that Joseph Devlin, the 37-year-old bus driver for the Kid Rock tour, was allegedly found to have a BAC of twice the legal limit. He's $10,000 bail has been paid.

bud prevost

C'mon Howard, this is the USA. The driver didn't work directly for Kid Rock, he was outsourced from a firm in NJ. Even rock is corporate. Less liabilty that way. And he did get fired. Can't have a CDL with a DWI, MOUSE

Jul 16, 2009, 11:37am Permalink

My own convictions on this matter make me side with the Deputy Chief. One or two beers isn't a big deal, but if it's going beyond a trivial amount to alcohol to what he described, I'd expect any law enforcement officer to start arresting people.

Jul 16, 2009, 3:08pm Permalink
Scott Pyle

Sounds like the cops needed a quick buck and some publicity,might as well cash in on the economic wind fall of an event like that.Maybe he will skip that sorry town,I know I will.

Jul 16, 2009, 3:17pm Permalink
Howard B. Owens

So long as Kid Rock is popular enough to draw a large crowd, Scott, he will keep playing Darien. He's no fool. You say the cops are just after the dough -- what do you think Kid Rock is after? Just a good time? Then why charge $100 per ticket? Besides, the cops any different in Ohio?

Jul 16, 2009, 4:26pm Permalink
Erica Meyer

Scott... why don’t you get a clue! So the fact that kids who are underage and are excessively (binge) drinking before these concerts then causing fights (concert after concert) where there have been up to 30+ kids involved, people getting hit in the head with pipes, cars damaged, being disrespectful AND disorderly to law enforcement is just a way for the “cops” to make a “buck and some publicity”? Yeah, you’re absolutely right, that’s just what the “cops” want to be dealing with on a nightly basis are these kids who are out of control. You have no idea! Why don’t you educate yourself with the facts before you speak. It’s these “cops” that are working their a$$e$ off preventing people from getting behind the wheel and perhaps killing you or someone you know. But, then again, they’re just looking for publicity… Moron!

Jul 17, 2009, 3:11pm Permalink
Tyler Hall

Erica, why don't they go into any bar in Batavia at 1:45 at arrest people over the age of 21 for drinking??? Presumably, they will all be getting in cars and driving home.

Jul 17, 2009, 3:27pm Permalink
Tyler Hall

No, but Erica, you're logic about underage drinking causing problems is paradoxical to say the least. Everything that you listed occurs with people over the age of 21 who drink alcohol. So seeing you are all-knowing, please educate me, why people under the age of 21 can't drink alcohol and the people above the said age can.

Jul 17, 2009, 4:15pm Permalink
Amy Stein

Tyler, Just for starters, it's against the law. Usually that's good enough for me. By the way, one would hope that as one ages he or she would presumably make better life decisions. 4 or 5 years can make a huge difference in a persons level of responsibility. The 15 yr old won't think so but ask him again at 21. Granted there are of course those who really never do become responsible citizens.

Jul 17, 2009, 4:39pm Permalink
Karen Miconi

Hate to change the subject, but, is what I just heard on the news, correct. The Dems held a fundraiser in Buffalo today that cost 5000 a head, and protesters gathered outside the resturaunt.

Jul 17, 2009, 6:40pm Permalink
Tyler Hall

Amy, thanks for pointing out that it's against the law. I heard that somewhere along the line, but had totally forgotten it. Thanks for the insight.

Jul 17, 2009, 5:48pm Permalink
Tyler Hall

I awsn't questioning if it was illegal or not. I'm not supporting criminal actions. However, I'm question why it it is illegal. You can be a sheep and just agree though without questioning anything.

Jul 17, 2009, 5:52pm Permalink
bud prevost

Here is why it's illegal, Tyler. Because 18,19 and 20 year olds of this generation are far more immature than 18,19,20 year olds from previous generations. Good example....most people of that age were in the service or working for the good of our nation in the 1940's. Members of that "Great Generation" saw 1st hand the depression, the world war, sacrifice for the good of the USA. You know what you have today? Not a "great generation", I can assure you of that. More of a whiny, bratty, self-absorbed generation. And people of MY generation are the shitty parents who want to be friends with their kid, rather than be the parent. We had very little discipline, and the young adults of today have less than that. There is your answer, kid.
I don't agree with every law, but if it's a law, I try not to break it.
And by the way, don't ever call someone a sheep if they have a legitimate argument.

Jul 17, 2009, 9:33pm Permalink
Tyler Hall

I'm not disagreeing with your statement that our society is a joke. Absolutly not. But it's not just within the youth. What maturization occurs between the ages of 18 and 21 in this country now a days anyways??? For 90 percent of the population, they go to some joke of a college. Party and are the same place they were at the age of 18, except they have a joke of a college degree that will get them a job at walmart along with tens of thousands of dollars in debt.

And by the way, what legiment argument did the sheep give.

Jul 17, 2009, 11:07pm Permalink
Peter O'Brien

Baaah, the government said so, Baaah. If they, Baaah, said that eating oats, Baaah, was illegal I would starve, Baaah.

Tyler is right. Just because it is illegal doesn't make it wrong. Laws can be wrong because they are made by man. Who thinks that the government should be able to take your hosue away because a business wants the location and it will increase tax revenue? That's how one of our laws was interpreted and its wrong. Look up Kelo vs New London

Jul 18, 2009, 6:51am Permalink

While your average 18, 19, and 20 year old is far more immature today than say... half a century ago, stereotyping all 18 to 20 year old people as immature is where the problem begins.

For example, I'm 20 years old right now, less than half a year away from 21. At this moment right now, I know I'm far more mature than some adults twice my age.

Age and maturity don't always go hand in hand with each other. In regards to the drinking age, it's a statistical theory, for lack of a better word, that people 21 or older will be mature enough to handle drinking alcohol and everyone younger than 21 won't be.

The problem is that this isn't always true.

Jul 18, 2009, 6:55am Permalink
Victoria Rippel

Thank you I am 22 years old and I think its wrong to lump any group of people under stuck a large umbrella. Our generation is different that doesn't mean we are better or worse. I also find is funny people who are calling members of my generation lazy and bratty can call each other names. The issue of underage drinking is a hard one. I by no means have the answer it is against the law and until that changes there will be kids getting arrested for it or untill the reasons behind it are addressed. Also let's remember at time all drinking no matter what your age was banned. Issue that happen due to underage drinking our not just issue that happen to them it happens to anyone when they abuse drinking.

Jul 18, 2009, 10:05am Permalink
bud prevost

Sheeple is a term of disparagement, a portmanteau of the words "sheep" and "people."

It is often used to denote persons who voluntarily acquiesce to a perceived authority, or suggestion without sufficient research to understand fully the scope of the ramifications involved in that decision, and thus undermine their own human individuality or in other cases give up certain rights. The implication of sheeple is that as a collective, people believe whatever they are told, especially if told so by a perceived authority figure believed to be trustworthy, without processing it or doing adequate research to be sure that it is an accurate representation of the real world around them. The term is generally used in a political and sometimes in a religious sense.

This is a definition from wiki

Jul 19, 2009, 7:50pm Permalink

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