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News roundup: Still waiting for the check?

By Philip Anselmo

Check out WBTA for this and other stories:

  • Some 1,200 Genesee County residents did not receive an economic stimulus check, though they may have been entitled to one. In order to receive the checks, those eligible had to file a federal tax return, and many retirees and disabled veterans never filed because they didn't have to. Well, a sympathetic IRS — seriously — is reaching out to help them get their check, which could be between $300 and $600 per individual. They have until October 15 to file the 1040A tax form and get the check. Visit the IRS Web site for more information.
Gabor Deutsch

That is ridiculous in so many ways.

"1,200 Genesee County residents did not receive an economic stimulus check, though they may have been entitled to one".

I am not working so I didnt file a federal tax return.

"many retirees and disabled veterans never filed because they didn't have to".

The IRS sent me 1040a with special stimulus package instructions.

" Well, a sympathetic IRS — seriously — is reaching out to help them get their check, which could be between $300 and $600 per individual".

I will not receive any money since I owe student loans.

If you owe the government money and you are eligible for this rebate they will let you know.

Where are these people in Genesee County that have enough non taxable money to live on, that they dont need to file taxes, but ignore free money from the government.

Theres 1,200 people in our county that really need help.

Jun 21, 2008, 2:32pm Permalink

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