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Today's Poll: Has partisan politics become nastier?

By Howard B. Owens
Wayne Speed

Don't think anyone has been attacked with a cane lately in Congress.

What is disappointing to see is the behavior of some local politicians. More all the time don't seem to care as much for the welfare of their constituents as they do for their own self interests.

Nov 15, 2010, 12:34pm Permalink
Bea McManis

I remember seeing a cartoon that mocked the vitriol that spews during a campaign,
"Let me begin by also stating that I don't want to run a nasty campaign.
So, I want to state that it thrills me to hear my opponent claim to be a self-made man. And, I'm sure that God is also thrilled to be relieved of all
responsibility for my opponents's lies, unethics, and other faults too."

Nov 15, 2010, 1:00pm Permalink
C. M. Barons

The mudslinging hasn't increased; the volume just got louder. It's the money, political image-makers and saturation marketing that gives the impression of nastier races. Madison Avenue and Wall Street don't even share the same zip codes, but they intersect in politics.

Nov 15, 2010, 1:14pm Permalink
Kyle Couchman

Not sure seems to be worse but as pointed out from others it might just be more open than it was. However apathy from the voting public is what allows it to continue. If "the people" started a non-tolerance stance by voting out loudmouths or those who ignore the constituents for lobbists or ignore the obvious "will of the People" then things would change.

Its not gonna be easy, I acknowledge that but these career politicians seem so distance from us that from my viewpoint they dictate to us what it is we desire or want done, regardless of the truth or actual. These are the people that need to be given their walking papers. Imagine the chaos that would insue if Sheldon Silver or any other bigshot were suddenly voted out....along with any go along to get along politicians. It would be less messy than the alternative of a revolutionary civil war of common people vs govt. Our country was founded on rebelling against the type of Govt we have. You think if our founding fathers were brought back to today they would tolerate what we have now? Probably not but... It's gonna become a matter of when pretty soon, instead of if.

Nov 15, 2010, 1:52pm Permalink
Bea McManis

Kyle brings up interesting questions.

Would you take part in a civil war against the United States of America?

If yes, then who would you support to lead your new government?

If yes, who do you think would finance this war?

If yes, what would you do to neighbors and friends who chose not to participate?

Nov 15, 2010, 2:09pm Permalink
John Roach

Anyone who reads the history of our politics would think that today, we are rather tame. Even as recently as the 1960's (Nixon vs Kennedy) it was much nastier.

Nov 15, 2010, 7:03pm Permalink

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