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Today's Poll: Do you think the Internet has benefited or harmed society?

By Howard B. Owens
Amber Blaszak

The internet has helped me ALOT when i was in high school and college. It helped so much with research papers and also online classes when i didnt have a car but still wanted to take classes. However, some people abuse the internet. Phones can now access the internet from just about anywhere... I see people on thier phones ALOT more now that they have internet on them. Its nice if you need to go on the phone for information but when you have people checking thier facebook/twiter every 5 minutes then i think the internet is harmful. Some people are so into the internet they do not know how to socialize in society anymore. So either way i look at it its helpful and harmful. But then again alot of things in life are both helpful and harmful. I think this was a good poll to ask!!

Aug 3, 2010, 9:54am Permalink
Jason Tucker

As someone who's made a living off the internet for the past 13.5 years, I wish the damn thing was never invented! There are days that I wish I could just sell sea shells by the sea shore rather than being on-call 24X7.

On top of that, I think people are suffering from information overload. We're inundated by so much every day, after a while we sort of lose sight of what's important and what's not.

Aug 3, 2010, 9:21pm Permalink

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