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Police Beat: Woman arrested for allegedly possessing marijuana

By Howard B. Owens

Sarah Lace Tadusz, 19, of 7140 Scotland Road, Akron, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. Tadusz's car was stopped in Alabama for allegedly not having a front license plate. During the traffic stop the odor of burnt marijuana drifted from the car, according to Deputy Chris Parker.  Upon further investigation by Parker and Deputy Kevin McCarthy, Tadusz was found to allegedly possess two small bags of marijuana, a smoking pipe with residue and a small glass vial with marijuana.

Doug Yeomans

I thought less than 7/8ths of an ounce in NY state was a ticketable offense, like a traffic ticket.

When is arresting people for simple possession going to end? It solves nothing and costs tax payers a fortune.

I know the cops are just doing their job but they do have discretion on how to handle each case. If you're a cop and don't like the person having the marijuana and paraphernalia, why not just dump it out and save yourself and the court system the time and trouble? You and the courts have bigger things to worry about than the young person doing what young people do.

Michael Phelps, the Olympic swimmer is one example. Someone decided that it was their business to drag him through the mud just because he was enjoying his youth and smoking some marijuana. He's still competing and kicking butt. I guess that pretty much nullifies the belief that your life is doomed if you smoke some weed.

The next time a police officer or a judge tips back a nice scotch on the rocks, a satisfying martini or a soothing manhatten, just remember that you're enjoying that drink for its effects. The same reason someone enjoys their marijuana. The only difference is that one is legal and taxed. They're both drugs and the legal one is the most damaging drug on the face of the planet. If you can handle a drink now and then and be responsible, the same can be said for the marijuana smoker.

It's a nutty world we live in. It does matter who you are and who you know. Read the news, local or not and you'll see examples of this fact.

Yeah, I went long on this but it just bugs me seeing the police and courts waste their valuable time of trivial things. We need their resources for other, more important matters.

Aug 1, 2009, 12:15am Permalink

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