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Open Letter to “Friends of Barb Toal”

By Charlie Mallow

I appreciate everything you’re trying to do; it is a good thing to support people you care about.

I would also like to let you know that the decision to cut the hours of the plumbing inspector was made in April during our public budget discussions and cannot be undone in November. There is no provision or funds to reinstate that position.  The action was taken because it was determined that only 19 hours of work was needed for that position.  I can assure you that there is no support on council to reinstate any position that was eliminated or reduced to part time in our last budget.

Council is also very aware on a personal level of the type of person Barb Toal is and what her service has meant and will continue to mean to the city.

The last several budgets have given us in the city deep cuts and it has been very difficult for the remaining city staff to keep up on the levels of service that our city residents need. With the current economic environment our country is in there is very little chance that we in Batavia can turn back the clock to times when we can expend public funds for any other reason than to meet the needs of our citizens.   

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