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Democrat Marc Coppola launches campaign for 61st District Senate seat

By Billie Owens

Democrat Marc Coppola of Townawanda kicked off his senate campaign on Wednesday. He plans to run against Republican Mike Ranzenhofer for the senate seat in the 61st District.

He says it's time for a change in Albany and he knows how to do it.

He said New York needs to simplify the process for starting a small business. He also wants to set a constitutional deadline to eliminate overdue budgets in the future.

This information was provided by WBTA.

Jeremiah Pedro

I'm not sure that it needs to be easier to open a small business. I think local governments as well as the state should ensure that there is adequate support and education available to ensure the business has a chance at success.

As for setting a constitutional deadline to eliminate overdue budgets? Don't they already have a something like that, but they keep extending the deadline or just ignoring it altogether?

Jul 3, 2010, 12:11am Permalink
C. M. Barons

Jeremiah, they also have a cap on borrowing that is habitually ignored.

Although a languishing bill (A10354), earlier versions dating to 1990, recommends penalties for failing to adopt an on-time budget; no such provision exists in law.

New York’s current budget deadline of April 1st derives from the timetable for submission, review and enactment. According to the New York State Constitution the governor must submit by February 1st (earlier in a non-election year) a balanced budget consisting of five budget volumes (Executive Briefing Book, Five Year Financial Plan, Economic and Revenue Outlook, Five-Year Capital Program and Financial Plan and Agency Presentations), appropriation bills and Article VII bills (legislation necessary to enact). The Governor then has thirty days to amend the proposed budget (fast-tracked to 21 days in 2008 revision).

Under terms of the 2007 Budget Reform Act, the Legislature is required to conduct joint Conference Committees aimed at agreement between Senate and Assembly. By March 1st consensus must be reached between Executive office and Legislature as to available revenue. In the absence of such agreement, the Comptroller issues revenue forecast by March 5th.

The Legislature has thirty days to accept, reject or trim the Governor’s budget proposal based on projected revenue. Under terms of the 2008 revision a review schedule must be adopted within ten days of receiving the Governor’s budget proposal.

Once the budget bills have been passed, the Governor must sign them into law. With the exception of appropriations for Legislative and Judicial branches, the Governor may disapprove any additions to the proposed budget made during Legislative review.

Jul 3, 2010, 10:16am Permalink

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