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Fire alarm: meat case is smoking at the Walmart

By Billie Owens

A fire alarm has sounded at the Walmart on Veterans Memorial Drive. A caller reports the meat case in the grocery section is smoking, but no fire is present.

Town of Batavia Fire Department is responding.

No announcement about evacuating the store has been mentioned on the scanner, but pedestrian traffic at the scene is said to be heavy.

"There's definately the odor of electrical smoke," says a firefighter.

The meat cooler is on the west side of building. Responders say they may need to dismantle the meat case to reach the source of the problem.

The firefighters are asking for a thermal imaging camera and other appropriate equipment.

UPDATE 3:07 p.m.: A firefighter says there's definately an electrical fire in either the cooling or lighting element in the meat cooler. They are working to isolate the problem.

UPDATE 3:15 p.m.: More manpower is called to the scene. A firefighter says the problem is in the lighting element. They have "shut down the main power to the whole building." They want a couple of people to get shopping carts and go to the meat cooler and load them up with product so as to cut Walmart's loss. They are going to use "CO," chemicals, to fight the fire. They want tarps to protect surfaces. They are working to isolate the lighting breakers so other power in the store can be restored.

UPDATE 3:26 p.m.: They are working with management to contact an electrician to go to the scene.

UPDATE 3:30 p.m.: A local contractor has been called and is en route. Meanwhile, the state Department of Agriculture and Markets has been notified, per protocol when food products are involved in a fire emergency.

UPDATE 3:37 p.m.: The state Department of Health has also been notified and will be in touch with Walmart management.

Michael Fraser

Unfortunately, everything that was contained in the cooler will likely be deemed contaminated if the cooler was smoking. If deemed contaminated, it is all trash.

Jan 19, 2011, 3:55pm Permalink
Scott Birkby

Sadly, the "enhanced" meat sold at this store was already trash even before the fire contaminated it further. If you don't know what "enhanced meat" is, look it up in a search engine. That's what they sell.

Jan 19, 2011, 4:03pm Permalink
Susan Kennelly

Some people consider enhanced meat to be any cut of meat that has been altered from its "naturally occurring state."

Live cow ... Dead cow? :-)

The Meat at Walmart is gross ..

Jan 19, 2011, 10:06pm Permalink

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