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Car strikes parked vehicle on Summit Street

By Billie Owens

It is reported that a car has possibly struck a parked vehicle at 160 Summit St. Unknown injuries.

Batavia City fire and a medic are on scene.

Mike Weaver

I hope the lady involved in the accident is OK. She was taken away in an ambulance.

Yet another parked car hit on Summit near North. This is the 4th parked vehicle to get hit on this end of Summit in 5 years. People drive too fast on Summit and don't seem to mind the parked vehicles on the street.

It is a residential street. Slow down and pay attention people. Please.

Dec 21, 2010, 6:16pm Permalink
Matt Buckley

Just another example of why elderly drivers should be required to take drivers re-tests. No one was hurt in this instance and that is great. But what about the next time. I am not saying that all elderly people shouldn't be driving, but I am saying that enough of them shouldn't be to warrent a retest for all people over 65 or 70. there is a position being signed right now a link is below. The family who started its had a 29 year old son with two young children killed by an elderly driver

Dec 22, 2010, 9:16am Permalink

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