(Photo of Gregory J. Vogt.)
Press release from the Genesee County Sheriff's Office:
On Tuesday, March 22, the Genesee County Probation Department conducted a search at 5919 Cook Road, Byron, the residence of Gregory J. Vogt, presently under supervision of the Probation Department.
The Genesee County Sheriff's Office and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation also assisted at the scene.
Various items were seized during the search and as a result of the investigation, Vogt is charged with:
- Six counts of criminal possession of a weapon, 3rd, Class D felonies, for alleged possession of two switchblade knives, a metal knuckle knife, a gravity knife and a blackjack while having previously been convicted of a crime;
- Five counts of fourth-degree criminal possession of a weapon, Class A misdemeanors, for alleged possession of five rifles and one shotgun, which he is not allowed to possess due to having been convicted of a felony;
- Unlawful possession of marijuana regarding Vogt's alleged possession of a quantity of marijuana;
- The DEC filed charges for allegedly illegally taking a deer, trapping without a license, and taking wildlife in "contravention of the Environemntal Conservation Law."
Vogt was jailed on $25,000 bail and is to reappear in Byron Town Court at 5 p.m. on March 28.
The case was investigated by Sheriff's Deputy Ryan Young, the county Probation Department and the DEC.
apparently once convicted of
apparently once convicted of a crime you lose the right to protect yourself ...... I've always believed that was a human right. after conviction of a crime if you do in fact need protection the only right you now have is to holler "STOP I'm calling the police" and yet it's not their job to protect you. be warned, if you become a victim after a crime conviction, it's you're own fault.
Switchblade knives, metal
Switchblade knives, metal knuckle knives which basically are brass knuckles with a knife/dagger blade attached) gravity knives or blackjacks are generally illegal for everyone in New York State (see exemptions in Penal Law) including anyone who was never convicted any crime, including violations such as parking tickets.
Convicted felons are prohibited from owning all firearms because convicted felons for some strange reason have the propensity to use the said firearms in the commission of a crime against good people and not in self-defense.
Convicted felons not being allowed to possess these above mentioned items is a good thing!
Yep, David. While I tend to
Yep, David. While I tend to (usually) lean towards your side of things, on this one, I have to (somewhat) say Rich Richmond was right.
NY is in alignment with most, if not all, states, on a felon possessing switchblade knives, metal knuckle knives, gravity knives, blackjacks, and firearms.
I know of no law (though there may be one) that prohibits a convicted felon of possessing 2x4's, Louisville Sluggers, re-bar, table cutlery, lawn mower blades, gasoline & Bic lighters, chain saw blades, household bleach, acetylene torches, Bernz-O-Matic's, electrical extension cords with one end cut off, a nest of "killer bees", or any number of everyday household items. Convicted felons, as far as I know, are still allowed to take karate/martial arts classes. So, to say that a convicted felon has had their right to protect themselves is, to me, being disingenuous.
I'm gonna assume that Mr. Vogt was, or should have been, informed of what he wasn't allowed to possess. After that, I believe it's on him to follow the rules.
rich and ed I do agree with a
rich and ed I do agree with a lot of what you are saying..... I was trying to make the point that just because a person has been convicted of a crime should NOT mean they can't own a firearm. a person who is convicted of a crime should NOT lose their right to vote either. certain states in America are trying to give voting rights to people from other countries who are here illegally. with that logic an illegal alien (law breaker) can own a firearm and vote but the American can not.
Duly noted David and there
Duly noted David and there are avenues available for some convicted felons, depending on the crime, who stay clean, establish a work record for a period of time to petition the courts to own a firearm for hunting for example. When they receive this legal ability to process again, they are expected to obey the law, including conservation laws.
Gregory J. Vogt was on probation. He pretty much told society FU, I’ll do what I damn well please. In my book he should never be granted probation or parole ever again, let alone own a gun or vote as with most convicted felons, whose felonies are rarely onetime occurrences.
It is wrong to grant illegal aliens the right to vote, just as it is just as wrong for convicted felons the right to vote. Two wrongs don’t make a right.
When you are placed on
When you are placed on Probation or Parole, you are told what the rules are. They are very clear and you are told you will get check on. Rich is right, seems this guy did not care.