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2010 Red Kettle Campaign was a record-breaker

By Billie Owens

Here's a news release from The Salvation Army.

Christmas 2010 was a record-breaking year for The Salvation Army, says local Captain Patricia Kurtz.

The 2010 Red Kettle Campaign goal was set at $65,000. With the bad weather losing a weekend of fund raising, and a hurting economy it was uncertain if the goal was attainable.

However, thanks to the generosity of the community $69,329 was raised exceeding the projected goal by $4,329.

It was also a record-breaking year for the number of families served for the holiday season.

“This year we assisted 1,324 families with food and toys," Kurtz said. "That is a 58 percent increase over last year.We knew there would be an increase but we did not project such a large percentage.”

These families represent 101 seniors and over 4,000 children receiving more than 9,000 meals and more than 10,000 gifts and toys.

Captain Kurtz expressed her appreciation to the community:

“This type of activity does not happen without a community wide effort. The Salvation Army and each family that received assistance owes a debt of gratitude to all the bell ringers, donors, Angel Tree sponsors, Adopt-A-Family sponsors, and stocking stuffers.”

Special thanks to the 312 bell ringers for providing over 1,200 volunteer hours and the 50 volunteers who served 403 hours in the toy shop. 

For more information contact: "Captain Patty" at 343-6284 or email at

Lisa Falkowski

Congratulations, Captain Patty! I contributed to every kettle I saw. There was one gentleman who worked at Kmart (Brian, maybe?) What a wonderful personality! I contributed twice to his kettle. Keep up the good work!

Jan 7, 2011, 3:29pm Permalink

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